Content Posted in 2024
1976 Notes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
1983 ECO 205 plus Papers, Anwar Shaikh PhD
3rd nature, Heather Diane Phelps-Lipton
55:718, Sebastián Barreto
A Beer a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: A Phylogenetic Analysis of Hops (Humulus lupulus), Julia Wiese Beeman
Abstract Machines Above Reason, Nur Goldner Cohen Tzedek
Access and Visibility: The Intersection of Care, Justice, and Cultural Myths in the Response to Sexual and Domestic Violence, Laurel Elisabeth Channing Cline
A Comparative Analysis of Regional Institution Engagement and Development Trajectories in South America and Eastern Asia, Joel S. Guahnich
A Conversation with Joan Countryman and Allyson Sgro, John B. Weinstein
A Cross Country Growth Analysis of Pakistan and Bangladesh, Mahnoor Khawaja
Adaptation of Candida Albicans to Morphogenesis-Inhibiting Anti-Cancer Agents Etoposide and Busulfan, Angelina M. Mannino
Adolfas Mekas with students, ca. 1975., Fred Greenspan
Adult Recess, Claire De Los Rios
Advanced Political Economy, Anwar Shaikh PhD
A furnished dorm room on campus, ca. 1928.
Against the Wind: Exploring Gender Disparities & Barriers Women Face in Aviation, Aqela Nussrat
A Guide to Happiness: Conversation with Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics), Azriel Almodóvar Rosado
A Gut Shaped Snake, Celka Kane Rice
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Psychologically Informed Physical Therapy, Asher S. Wright
AI Mental Health ChatBots: Approaches to Creating a Therapeutic Alliance, Ruitong Liu
Air Quality Citizen Scientists: A Case Study of the Hudson Valley Air Quality Coalition, Faine Aichele
A Job Guarantee Proposal for Chile, Julius Duran Norasco MS
A laboratory in Hegeman Hall, ca. 1930., Frank B. Howard
Albania's Development: Exploring State Ownership, Corruption, and the Impacts of Mass Migration, and the Labor Market, Marsela Doko
Albee Hall under construction, 1924., Frank B. Howard
Albert Matlin ’77 at his graduation, 1977., John Duke Kisch
Alice Notley, Alice Notley
Alienated Practice, Marcus F. Pirozzi
All Aboard the Fishtank Train: How the Modern Artist Betrays the Public Consciousness by Observation Alone, Omobolanle Oluwademilade Kafidipe
Allen Ginsberg, Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky
Always In Motion, David Fujita
Al Young, Al Young
American Bittersweet, Maeve F. Schrode
Americans in Japan: A Look at Race, Land, and the Colonization of Hokkaidō in the Meiji Era, Jack Bamford
Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones), Amiri Baraka and LeRoi Jones
A Most Unusual Drama: Metatheatricality and the Absurd Actor in Camus’s Caligula, Palma Maya-Johnson
A music class, ca. mid 1970s., Fred Greenspan
An Annotated Telling of the Misadventures of Shylock Jones, Negro Super Sleuth, Compiled, Redacted, and Edited by Kev Street, Kevon Cassis Street
An annual faculty picnic at Blithewood, 1960s.
Ancient China’s Political Legacies: How National Identity and Historical Narratives Construct Images of Global Power, Kelany Michel De La Cruz Reyes
Andrew Sarris, Andrew Sarris
An Early College Account of the STEM Experience, Karan Buntval
An Economic and Social Positioning of Small Scale Farming and Local Food Access in the Hudson Valley, Elias James Smith
An Exploration of Numerical Approximation Methods for First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Nicholas Barlow
Anne Waldman, Anne Waldman
An Ode to Alma, Sydney A. Oshuna-Williams
An ongoing shift in Chinese marital view —A case study of late marriage among young Chinese in Shenzhen, Hangyu Yang
Another Animal, Gabriel John Goering
A Novel Methodology for the Analysis of Ice-Rafted Debris in End-Triassic Sediments, Glorianne G. Couey
Anthony Hecht, Anthony Hecht
Anthony Hecht, Anthony Hecht
An Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm for Clustering Low Dimensional Data Points in Euclidean Grid Space, Josef Lazar
A Party of Particles: Constructing a Cyclotron to Accelerate Protons, Luke Christopher Ingraham
Apologoi, Milo Zimmerman-Bence
Appendix B Real Estate Sector, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Applications of Genetic Algorithms to Chess, Elliot M. Harris
April 2023, Robert Kelly
April 2024, Robert Kelly
Apt 2B, Aleda Marinda Rosenblum Katz
A (Re)theorization of the Archaeology of Fauna at the Germantown Parsonage, Emily K. Lehan
A Revised Socialism: Concerning Race, Colonial Violence, and Class, Gray E. Bougher
Armadeira, Gaia Wolman Porto
Armand Schwerner, Armand Schwerner
Army recruits on campus, March 1944., Elie Shneour
Art class, ca. 1949., Hans Knopf
Art Library, 1952., David Brooks
Ascopaesthesia, William Thaddeus Fink
Assessing the Impact of Draper Deletion and Sertraline on the Locomotor Abilities and Gene Expression of Notch in Drosophila Melanogaster, Albright Tuah and Albright Tuah
Assessing the Viability of Zebrafish as Model Organisms for Exercise Physiology Through Moderate Intensity Continuous Training, Rowan Vincent Heinze
Assoreted Non-Shaikh - 1, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Materials for The New School and Departments, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted New School and Department Materials, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Non-Shaikh 2, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Non-Shaikh 3, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Non-Shaikh 4, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Non-Shaikh 5, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Non-Shaikh 6, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Non-Shaikh 7, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Non Shaikh 8, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Non-Shaikh 9, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Notes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Assorted Notes and Correspondence, Anwar Shaikh PhD
A St. Stephen’s player at bat, ca. 1928.
A Study of Informal Financial Market of Afghanistan, Abrar A. Kakarr
A Symbolic Music Transformer for Real-Time Expressive Performance and Improvisation, Arnav Shirodkar
A theatrical performance including Jeannette Caviness ’75 and an unknown woman, 1975., Fred Greenspan
A "Third Dimension": The Art of "Fusing" Arabic Music and Jazz, Grace Molinaro
At the tennis courts, 1977., Fred Greenspan
A typical day on Stone Row, ca. 1975., Fred Greenspan
Auf die Schiffe!, Koben Morgenthaler
August 2023, Robert Kelly
August Rain: A Translation of a Novel by Francisco Álvarez, William Ruff Egan
Autonomy, Art and Culture: Resistance and Gentrification in Lower Manhattan 1960-2001, Amy P. Chanin
Aviary, Madelyn Willa Oprica
A Walking Robot, William Kim
A World of Artifice: James McNeill Whistler's Theatrical Self-Fashioning, Dawson Escott
BABA, Sanovia Ngozi Muhammad
Baby, Let's Play House, Ray Camp
Balancing Modernist Structures with Destructuring: A Philosophical Exploration of Art, Jiachen Liang
Barbara Grossman, Barbara Grossman
Barbara Grossman ’73 and Agnes Domandi, ca. 1973., Fred Greenspan
Bard College Drama Group, ca. 1959., Fred Sass
Bard College Student Readings - March 1957, Nick Lyons, Jack Hirschfeld, Sue Wilkins, and Peter Hammer
Bard Farm: Putting Down Roots, Zola von Krusenstiern
Bard Observer, Vol. 21, No. 2 (Fall 2023), Bard College
Bard Observer, Vol. 21, No. 3 (December 2023), Bard College
Bard Observer, Vol. 22, No. 4 (March 2024), Bard College
Bard Observer, Vol. 22, No. 5 (May 2024), Bard College
Bard Observer, Vol. 22, No. 6 (May 2024), Bard College
Bard Observer, Vol. 23, No. 5 (November 2024), Bard College
Baseball Diplomacy: America’s Favorite Pastime as a Tool of Soft Power in Cuba and the Dominican Republic, Michael Alexander Kurlan
BEA Data and Notes, Anwar s PhD
BEA Data Work, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Beef: A Study of Hindu and Muslim Conflict in Nineteenth Century Azamgarh, Heston Irving Tucker
being, Violet Anna Emelia Tabacco
Benefit for 'El Corno Emplumado', Norman Weinstein
Bergamo Paper, Ricardo Bellofiore PhD
Between Two Suns: Indians Between the Empires of Britain and Japan During the Second World War, Samuel R. Mutter
Beyond the Bottom Line: Unionization in the Nonprofit Sector, Grace M. Brody
Beyond Translation: A Critical Comparison Between English Renditions of The Holy Qur’an, Mohamad Eisa
Blithewood garden, 1957., Bob Bassler
Blood Blossom: A Subversion of The Traditional Structure of Martial Arts Novels, Adrian Liu
Bob Kerrey, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Bones of Their Ancestors, Achi G.Zero Tsitsishvili
Book review of "Measuring the Wealth of Nations", Anwar Shaikh PhD, Ertuğrul A. Tonak PhD, and A Haroon Akram-Lodhi PhD
Bootlicker, Jesse James Crook
Born-Again Governance: Evangelists and the Republican Party, Jacob Andrew K. Epter
Bowles Gordon Weisskopf Papers, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Boys Town, Grant Steven Venable
Bread and Circuses: Mussolini, Football, and the 1934 World Cup, Claire Richele Peet
Breath of Forgetfulness: Respiratory Effects of Memory Suppression, Luka Jijieshvili
Brewing Progress: An Exploration of The Historical Evolution, Economic Impact, and Globalization Dynamics of Coffee in Colombia, Sophia Elenson
Bruce McClelland, Bruce McClelland
Buck Fever: A Novella, T. Medrano
Campus meeting, early 1950s., Jim Mansfield
Campus work scene, with Gloria Milgrim '48, 1948.
Campus work scene, with Karl Wedemeyer '55 and Pamela Lerner '56, 1955.
Capitalism & Confinement: Racialization, Dispossession, and Exploitation in the Carceral Sphere, Elisa Littin Egana
CAPTIVITOWN, Peter Lynn Fields III
carnesVirtuales, Brandon Alvarado
Cartas Revolucionarias, Maria Puente Flores
“Casino Night” in Manor, 1974., Fred Greenspan
CEPA/LEVY Collaboration, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Charles Harold Gray, ca. 1945.
Charles Stein, Charles Stein
Chasing the Dream: The American Dream Narrative, Motivations, and Well-Being Among First-and Second-Generation Caribbean Immigrants, Joanna Elizabeth Jones
Chevy Chase ’68, ca. late 1960s., Peter Aaron
Chiaroscuro, Dylan Parish Whitaker
China's Growth Odyssey: A Model for Optimal Resource Allocation Amidst China’s Policy Shift, Eric Lin
Class Handout of article by Eduardo Ochoa, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Clayton Eshleman, Clayton Eshleman
Clayton Eshleman, Clayton Eshleman
Clayton Eshleman, Clayton Eshleman
Clyde Must Die, Megan Dara Lacy
Collection and Recollection: A Critical Anthology of Translated Francophone Texts, Claire Bartholomew
Colonial Legacies Challenging the State Building in Afghanistan, Zarina Dawlat
Colonial Mentality and Queer Filipino Americans: A Proposal to Adapt the Colonial Mentality Scale, Beau (Isabella) Serrano
Comedy & Tagedy, Lowell T. Thomas
Commencement Weekend, 1975., John Duke Kisch
Committee on Requirements, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Common Seed: the Story of a Seed Library, Rebecca Peacock
Comparative Analysis of Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms: Evaluating Legacy Approaches Against a Novel Multi-Dimensional Database Solution, Tien Duc Nguyen
Composing Music for Haxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages, Solomon Murphy Bagge
Composition + Clippings, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Compost Toilet As A Radical Act Of Care? A Gentle Invitation to Deal With Our Shit, Moselle Fredericks
Concretizing Prices of Production, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Conflicting Goals: How Club Soccer Kept Nationalism Alive in Tito’s Yugoslavia, Linus A. Schneider
Connections, Shanti Puja Clements
Constellations of Capital: Applying Architecture’s Spatial Language to Global Networks of Food, Armed Conflict, and Reverberations of Violence, Oliver J. Mead
CONstruct: The Foundational Elements of a Life in a Fishbowl, Leëta K. Damon
Cooney: 1988 Data, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Correspondence, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Corsica: History, Nation, Colony, Jack Massee
Cots Not Cuffs: An Exploration and Reformation of the American Psychiatric Crisis Field Management System, Jake Vero Aloia
Crashing Currents, Phú Nguyễn
Creative Play in Malaysia, Noa Daniele Doucette
Creativity, Learning, and Neuromorphic Design in Generative AI, Alek Zyszkowski
Crisis and Catharsis: Altered States of Consciousness in Andrei Bely's Novels, Sydney Elise LePlae
Crisis Book Ch 1-3 Outlines, Drafts, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Book - Conclusion, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Book: C.P., Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Book CPUSA, Anwar Shaikh PhD1982
Crisis Book DSA-DSOC, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Book Framework for Chapters, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Book, History of Left, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Mary Malloy PhD
Crisis Book Introduction, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Book Social Democrats, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Book Socialist Workers Party, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Book Structure & Outlines, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Group, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crisis Theory Study Group, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Crush Crush Crush, Juno Shepard
Current Eco Clippings, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Cynthia Marris Gross '54 reads to Emerald McKenzie '52, 1952., David Brook
Dance class lead by instructor Zoe Warren ’50, 1952., Hans Knopf
Darkroom scene, 1975., Fred Greenspan
Data and Reproduction, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Davidson and Smolensky, Anwar Shaikh PhD, Paul Davidson PhD, Eugene Smolensky PhD, and Charles Leven PhD
Dear Barbara: Reflections on Violent Feminism and an Ode to Performative Sexuality, Lapis A. Dove
Dear Lord, I'm Desperate, Fiachra Finn McAllister
December 2023, Robert Kelly
Decolonizing Indigenous Whaling: The Shinnecock Tribe's Struggle Against Colonial Capitalism, Justin Bennett
Decolonizing Indigenous Whaling: The Shinnecock Tribe's Struggle Against Colonial Capitalism, Justin Bennett
Dedication of the Towbin Poetry Room, Robert Kelly
Defining Architectural Speeds: A Spatial Investigation and Documentation of the Concept of Slowness and the Culture of Speed, Montserrat N. Fonseca
Déjà-Vues, Eve Ramseyer
Denise Durling ’77 and Chris Hillegass ’77, ca. mid 1970s., Fred Greenspan
Department Business, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Department Business, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Department Business File, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Design And Characterization of Laser-Induced Microstructures as Actuating Thermal Sensors, Lucas Rodriguez
Despicable Me: Shame and Guilt on Self-Avoidance Behaviours – An Eye-Tracking Study, Shuai Shao
Determinants of Profitability of Commercial Bank in Afghanistan, Mohammad Osman Saeedi
Diane Wakoski, Diane Wakoski
Diane Wakoski, Diane Wakoski
Differential Growth Response to Fungicide Across and Within Fusarium Pathogen Species, Ella Skinner-Sloan
Dionysus in Salem: Crisis and Vitality in Contemporary Theatrical Performance, Benjamin Stroman
Dissertation, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Ara Khanjian PhD
Diversity Committee GF, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Diversity Mobilization, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Don't Ban This Project, Tristan H. Timpone
Don't Hate Me For It & Gun Scene, Andy J. Santella
Dorm scene, mid 1950s., David Brooks
Dr. Edward Fuller, ca. 1948., Elie Shneour
Drumming circle above Kline, 1975., Fred Greenspan
Dumonym: Crafting and Assessing Lexical Simplification, from Algorithms to Models, Jeremias Brea De Los Angeles
Eatwell Plan to Restructure Department, Anwar Shaikh and John Eatwell PhD
Eco 204, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Eco 205, Anwar Shaikh PhD
ECO 234 Semmler Public Finance, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Willi Semmler PhD
E-commerce Changes in SMEs’ Marketing and Consumer Behavior: The Case of Greece, Lazaros Panagiotounis
Econ 104 - Shaikh and Milberg, Anwar Shaikh PhD and William Milberg PhD
ECON 105 Growth Theories, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Econ 106, Anwar Shaikh PhD
ECON 204 Advanced Political Economy, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Econ 204 Advanced Political Economy, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Econ 204, Advanced Political Economy, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Econ 204; APE I, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Willi Semmler PhD
Econ 205 Advanced Political Economy II, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Econ 205, Spring 1982, Lecture 1, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Econ 208, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Econ 230, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Patricia Linton PhD
Econ 234 and thoughts on Hyman Minsky's articles, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Econ 234 (Probably), Anwar Shaikh PhD
Economics 105, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Economics 120 - History of Economic Thought, Robert L. Heilbroner PhD
Economics 205 - Spring 1984, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Economics 231: Money and Banking II, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Gerald Epstein PhD
Editor’s Note, Amanda Landi
Education in Changing Times: How to Identify and Rehabilitate Issues in Education Post-Crisis, Gaius Forsyth
Edutainment: A Sociological Study of Rap As Social Theory, Rodney C. Bailey
Effects of Animosity on Smoking Stigma: The Moderating Effects of Race, Justyne U. Ingwu
Effects of Temperature on Antibiotic Susceptibility in Eskape Pathogenseskape Pathogens, Abena Bema Wirekoh
Elaine Hollander ’48 and children, 1948., Elie Shneour
Elizabeth Robinson, Elizabeth Robinson
Elizabeth Robinson and Lenny Schwarz, Elizabeth Robinson and Lenny Schwarz
Elliot, Eleanor Gresham
El niño, Sasha Qvist
Embracing Discomfort: The Provocative Realms of Performance Art, Yizhen Dai
Emergence of Capitalism, David M. Gordon PhD
Empirical Price Value Deviations England, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Empirical Procedures, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Empirical Strength of Labor Theory of Value, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Empirical Tests Marxian, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Enhancing Holistic Learning: Insights from the Women in Technology (WiT) Workshop Series, Myo Thida and Khine Zar Thwe
Erich Heller, Erich Heller
Essays on Transsexual Embodiment, Indiana Koumrian
Esther Nordin ’70 and Liz Spar on campus, late 1960s., Peter Aaron
Eugene Guillevic, Eugene Guillevic
Eva,, Ruby Greischar
Every Angel is Terrifying, Jonah James Romm
Evocation, Simantha Sernaker
Exchange, Money & Price, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Exploring the Impact of Popular Music on Personality, Mood, and Relationships: A Multidimensional Analysis, Charlotte Epstein
Eyes Settle The Land, Marylena Hono
Faculty housing, ca. 1940., Frank B. Howard
Faith Over Fear: A Hurricane Katrina Story: 18 Years Later, Gabriele Katherine Woods
Farm Against This Mad World: An Ethnographic Glimpse into an Alternative BIPOC-Centered Farm Community in New York, Leila Tzumei Stallone
February 2023, Robert Kelly
February 2024, Robert Kelly
Felix Hirsch teaches a class in the oak grove in front of Stone Row, ca. 1949., David Brooks
Ferality: Abject, Absence, and Abstraction: an Aesthetic and Ontological Activism, Hannah Wilder
Fiat Money as an Empty Signifier: An Investigation on the Resemblance between Money in MMT and Structuralism, Xiangchong Meng
Final I-O NIPA SV Calculations Aug 1985 Bard, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Finding Maximal Cap Sizes for Quad Card Decks Using Share Strings, Oliver William Pawelek
Folding and Embedding Cubical Complexes, Skye Rothstein
For the Mind, Body, and Soul: How Food Sustains Ideas of Home, Identity and Resistance for Trinidad Identities at Home & Abroad, Ciara Naomi Richards
Four Places on the Van Gogh Trail: A Pilgrimage through The Hague, Nuenen, Antwerp & Paris, Josephine Lee Smith
Fred Crane teaches a class outdoors, ca. 1950.
Frederick Q. (“Fritz”) Shafer ’37 meets with student Susan Moore ’49, 1949.
Freedom Broke, Sophia C. Bartolotta
Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothin' Left to Lose: The American Road Movie in the New Hollywood Era, Peri Anne Halajian
Free Kassan Messiah, Zola Ross-Gray
Freshmen vs. Sophomore Procession, 1918.
From Paintbrush to Screen: Intermediality in Luchino Visconti and Pier Paolo Pasolini's Cinematic Worlds, Zoey Pather
From Sliding Blocks to Stumbling Blocks, Milena KB Feher
From the Ground Up: A Look Into People Powered Memorials, Grace Schnapf
From the Ground Up: A Look Into People Powered Memorials, Grace Frances Schnapf
From Villain to Hero: Don Juan Through the Ages, Yilin Li
Fruiting Bodies, Equiano Shurriah Hunter
Gadomski Family Dental, Elisabeth Eleanor Cirrincione
Galway Kinnell, Galway Kinnell
gentle river, Harrison Max Edington
George Bailey Hopson, late 1800s.
George Franklin Seymour, 1860.
George P. Elliott, George P. Elliott
George Quasha, George Quasha
George Quasha, George Quasha
George Starbuck, George Starbuck
Gerard Malanga, Gerard Malanga
Gerrit Lansing, Gerrit Lansing
Gestures of Narrative Resistance: The Clock, The Mind, The Liquid, Unhome, The Frontier, Arisleida Herrera
Getting the Picture, Lily Mencarini
Global Aspirations in Urban Malaysia: Education, Language, Commerce, Finn Edmund O'Rourke
Globalization and Poverty: Exploring Development Discourse Within Urban Dynamics - The Case of Colombo and Mumbai, Zohra Helali
Godley Papers and Notes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Goodwin Model, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Government, Anwar Shaikh PhD
GreenGame: A Carbon Emissions Game, Maihan Naimi
Green Growth and Employment: Unveiling the Macro, Micro, and Global Implications of the Electric Vehicle Evolution, Heram Zahra Amiri
Grievance Committee, Anwar s PhD
Grievance Committee 1976-77, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Grossman Annotated Book - Accumulation, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Hagiography (Theorem) of a Postmodern Saint: Reading Blessed Carlo Acutis Through St. Francis of Assisi, Martial C. Junceau
Hamburg Report, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Harris Schiff, Harris Schiff
Harrodian Instability Notes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Harvey Bialy and John Gorham, John Gorham and Harvey Bialy
Harvey Nosowitz, Harvey Nosowitz
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) and Charles Olson, Hilda Doolittle and Charles Olson
Hearts and Faces, Isabelle M. Kline
He Asks Me Why I Started This, These Paintings, Frankie Mazza Sere
he Empirical Strength of the Labour Theory of Value, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Hegeman Science Building, ca. 1930.
Hello, are you there? We have a weak signal- Investigating the possibility of ultrasound-mediated communication in plants, Scout R. Olip-Booth
HikiganeKoroshi (引き金殺し), Savannah Kayla Pina
Hilton Weiss, 1965., Joseph Consentino
Hope For a Self-Operated Animal, Felicity Anna Reynolds
Howard Nemerov, Howard Nemerov
How the Job Guarantee Proposal Could Combat the Curse of Joblessness in Georgia, Nana Tsurtsumia
How to Catch the Rush, Justine Florence Denamiel
How to Leave the World: A Translation of Comment sortir du monde by Maroune Bakhti, Georgia Nichoson
How Was I, Mom? A Study of the Impact of Prenatal Narratives, Aria Esther Komoroff
Hugh Seidman, Hugh Seidman
Humanizing Data Science Curriculum, Di Wu
Hungry for McMindfulness? The Effect of Linguistic Framing on Perceptions of Vipassana (Insight Meditation), Sarah J. Eckert
Hurts Like Love, Lisa Nichel Magee
IBD and Genomic Medicine: Implementation of Pharmacogenomics and Flow Cytometry in IBD Management, Shaahi Kanumuri
(i carry it in], Campbell Cherry Brophy-Nash
Ice Cream Social, Caleb M. Wagner
Identification of Flavobacterium sp. Growing with Violacein-Producers in Upstate NY Water Sources, Emily Summer Gokul
Identity Through Jewelry: Study Case of the Burial Jewelry of the Necropolis in Dura-Europos, Helena H. Grabowska
If You Loosen Your Grasp, Raven Iris Atsalis-Gogel
"I'm Never Going to be Arnold Schwarzenegger": A Study on Fitness Culture in Relation to Young Men's Self-Perceptions, Lily M. Motyka
Implementing a Smart Campus Chatbot Using TF-IDF, Erica Lee
In a Disturbance Mosaic, High Plant Species Richness Within Plots Is Not Maintained Over Time, Nory Doran Buck
Increasing Competition: The Impact of NIL on the NCAA’s Monopsony Power in the Labor Market, Michael Henry Parme
Indonesian Poets trans. Burton Raffel, Burton Raffel and Chairil Anwar
Infinity on Trial: Michael Heizer and the Post-War American Avant-Garde, George Fleming Sutton
In Mediation and Expanse, Sage Marie Nelson
Innovation, Liberation, and Agency in the Outsider Visionary Art of James Hampton and Purvis Young, Griffin J. Joerger
In Passing, Jasper Oltmanns
Intention: Tracing Gentrification Through Art in the Hudson Valley, Kylie L. Gent
Interactions of Ruthenium(II) and Copper(II) Metal Complexes with DHFR: Inhibitory Effects on Enzyme Activity and RNA Binding, Sage Martina Saccomanno
Interrupting the White Habitus in the Name of Black Geographies: Black Cultural Inter-Production Through Performance, Tirzah Thomas
In the Drylands: Making a Living in Northern Kenya, Maximilien Guy McGrath
in the next five minutes, Anna Spirochova
Intl RoR Differences, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Investigating Biofilm Formation in Clinical Isolates of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria: A Comprehensive In Vitro Study, Kylie Nicole Quinn
Investigating the Binding Potential of Ruthenium (II) Based Metal Complexes to DNA:RNA Hybrids, Fuadur Rahman Omi
Investigating the Visible-Light Mediated [2 + 2] Photocycloaddition of 3-Acetyl Indoles, Emma Rose LaPenta
Investigating Transition Metal Complexes: Insights into DNA:RNA Interactions, Mariam M. Morsy
Invisible Girls: The Effects of Disproportionate Discipline of Black Girls in K-12 New York City Schools, Emily Joachim
In Vitro Interactions Between DHFR and Ruthenium Metal Complexes, Sydney Kaela Gustave
IO and K Stock Data, Anwar Shaikh PhD
I-O Marx Interest Payments, Anwar Shaikh PhD
IO / NIPA Notes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
I-O Tables, Anwar Shaikh PhD
'I Repel His Blows with a Bare Breast:' The Attempted Conversion of an Early Modern Italian Jewish Woman, Erin R. Dworkin
Israel’s Unequal Inclusion: The Politics of Being an Occupier, Emily Hall Smith
I Stand With the Wind on My Face, Harper Brett Stone
“It’s All in the Yellow Baskets”: Class Consciousness, Food Justice, and Community through Dollar General, Blanche L. Darr
It Takes More Than Lollipops: Improving Medical Interactions with Children, Helen Regina Cohen
Jackson Mac Low, Jackson Mac Low
Jackson Mac Low, Jackson Mac Low
James Stryker, ca. 1870., F. Forshew
Janet Rodney and Nathaniel Tarn, Janet Rodney and Nathaniel Tarn
Janice Weitz ’48 waits on a student in the College Store in Hegeman, ca. 1947.
January 2024, Robert Kelly
Jerome Rothenberg, Jerome Rothenberg
Jin Kinoshita ’44 takes notes beside a microscope, 1944.
John Ashbery, John Ashbery
John Bard, ca. 1890., W Höffert
John Eatwell, Economics 202, Anwar Shaikh PhD
John Kisch ’76 and Brooks Parsons ’76, 1972., John Duke Kisch
John Wieners, John Wieners
John Yau, John Yau
John Yau, John Yau
John Zuill and Elio Schneeman, John Zuill and Elio Schneeman
Jonathan Williams, Jonathan Williams
Jonathan Williams, Jonathan Williams
“Joy in my Body:”An Exploration of Queer Drug Use, Sam Baker
Judith Walcutt, Judith Walcutt
Judy Wolcutt, Judith Wolcutt
Juillard 1986, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Michael Julliard
July 2023, Robert Kelly
July 2024, Robert Kelly
June 2023, Robert Kelly
June 2024, Robert Kelly
"Just About Humanity": Faith, Heritage, and Homeland Among the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Diaspora, Catherine Sarfaty
Justicia del Lenguaje: How Language Barriers Affect the Lives of Immigrants in Kingston, NY., Verónica Martínez Cruz
Kali Yuga, Ro Chanchall
Kalman 1993, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Kate Crehan & Kamala Visweswaran, Anwar Shaikh
Ken Irby, Ken Irby
Khanjian Dissertation Chapters, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Ara Khanjian PhD
King of the Barr, Hannah (Ham) Cockett White
Kitty Rauscher ’67 and John Tucker ’69 confer in a chemistry lab, fall 1966., Joseph Consentino
Laboratory scene, ca. 1950s., Hans Knopf
Labor Theory Handouts, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Labor Theory of Value, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Language instructor Anita Walker and Jacqueline Clark ’50, 1950., Hans Knopf
Lecture Notes and Other, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Leon Botstein and Bob Reselman ’77, 1977., John Duke Kisch
Leon Botstein, ca. late 1970s.
Les Mots Mode d'Emploi : Invitation a la Re-imagination Litteraire de Georges Perec, Hanqi Liu
Lessons From Cowboys and Nature's Narratives: Symbolic Interactionism and The Cowboy's Environmental Encounter, Isabel Piper Danishmend
Lines and Spirits: Tracing Georgia O’Keeffe’s Artistic Path through Dow and Kandinsky, Surui Hu
LociGraph: AI Agent Framework for Browser-Based Knowledge Graph Construction, Nathan Cho
Lori Chips, Lori Chips
Lost and Found, Keegan Lance Valaika
Louise Link ’71, ca. late 1960s., Peter Aaron
Louis Zukofsky, Louis Zukofsky
LTV Empirical, Anwar Shaikh PhD
LTV II, Anwar Shaikh PhD
LTV IV NLR Conference, Anwar Shaikh PhD
LTV Trans + Price-Value Deviations Mel, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Ludlow-Willink Hall, late 1800s.
Lydia Davis, Lydia Davis
Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Crossword Puzzles, Finn Brennan
Machine Learning for Video-Based Event Detection: A CNN-LSTM Model, Nam Alex Nguyen
Machine shop scene, ca. 1947., Elie Shneour
Magical Realism in Post-Colonial Narratives: Novel of the Nation, Isabella C. Amendola
Making A Computer Sing: Modeling The Bird Syrinx, Ahmed Nafis Farhan
Makin' Whoopee: Creating Eddie Cantor on Screen, Zoe Grant Kaperonis
Man-made Ponds 01-06, Soren J. Demas
March 2023, Robert Kelly
March 2024, Robert Kelly
Margaret Taylor Johnston Bard, ca. 1855., D. S. Peirce
Marx-Keynes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Marx Keynes Kalecki Seminar, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Marx Keynes Seminar 1986, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Mary Caponegro and Bruce McClelland, Mary Caponegro and Bruce McClelland
Mary Lee Settle, Mary Lee Settle
Mary Lee Settle, Mary Lee Settle
May 2023, Robert Kelly
May 2024, Robert Kelly
Measurement of Economic Surplus Notes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Meat: the Good, the Bad, and the Virtuous, Chloe Brill
Media Sanctions Narratives Two Years Into The Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine, Benjamin Raham Fatakhov
Mel Bienenfeld Current, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Mental Health, Art, Identity, And Self-Expression: Words I Know, and, How Making Art Heals, Elsa M. Joiner
Mental Health Response In Emergency Services, Messiah Vision
Mental Health Stigmas in Formerly Incarcerated Individuals and the Impact of Solitary Confinement on Their Attitudes Toward Seeking Treatment, Leyli Kangarloo-Foroutan
Metalogues, Robert Kelly
Michael Simmons ’77, Susan Lastovica ’77, and Ritchie the bartender at the Magdal Inn, 1975., Fred Greenspan
Milnor Alexander - Freedom of Expression Discussion, Milnor Alexander
Miscellaneous, Anwar Shaikh PhD
“Mit Josefine muss es abwärts gehen”: Making Audible the Conflicted Narrator of Kafka’s “Josefine”, Kamil Alexander Karpiak
Money and Banking, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Money and Finance - 1, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Money and Finance - 2, Anwar Shaikh PhD
More I-O, Anwar Shaikh PhD
More Labor Theory Empirics, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Mother, Zeke Morgan
MOVEMENT STRUCTURES, Justine Florence Denamiel
Moving Forward: Studying the Impact of Future Self-Continuity and Active Commuting on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress, Max William Gehr
Mr. G and Sons Inc: An Exploration of My Grandfather's Legacy, Scotty Andrew Georgetti Hindy
Multimodal Deep Learning Approach for Enhanced Molecular Screening in Drug Design, Yilin Ye
Multiple Stories At Once: The Use of Triptychs and Ensemble Casts in Lucia, Amores Perros, and La Ciénaga, Marquis Elijah Sanchez
Mutuomorphomutation: On Language as a Game in Joyce and Wittgenstein, William Owen Morrissey
Mycobacterium Intracellulare ABSURDO: Identification and Initial Characterization of a Novel, Pathogenic Strain From a Clinical Isolate of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria, Anneka K. Prigodich
My Gangster Grandma, Bobbi Jo Gonzales
Myths, Misogyny, and Mixed Reviews: The Arts & Craftiness of Three Pre-Raphaelite Women, Julia Eleanora McNulty
Nabokov in Movieland: Cinematic Representations in Laughter in the Dark and Lolita, Isak Sjursen
Nanosecond Transient Absorption of ZnTPP, Kaitlyn Nicole Lowney
Nathaniel Tarn, Nathaniel Tarn
Nation Building in Afghanistan: A Failed Nation and A Collapsed Country Why Did Afghans Failed to Build a Nation?, Abdullah Mohib
Natural Causes, Sullivan Sweet
Natural Gravity: A Novella, Quinn Raper
Navigating Queer Historical Temporalities of Drag Culture in RuPaul’s Drag Race, Kevin Alejandro Carchi
Navigating White Dominated Spaces: Black Women and Their Trials Towards Upward Mobility in White Collar Occupations, Mae E. Redmond
Neal Ewenstein ’74 and Susan Barich, ca. mid 1970s., John Duke Kisch
Neo Ricardians, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Never Left the Dreaming: A Study of Decolonization and Enchantment, Javin R. Lee-Lobel
New School Business, Anwar Shaikh PhD
New School Documents, Anwar Shaikh PhD
NIPA Book, Anwar Shaikh PhD
NIPA Book Data Extraction + Revisions, Anwar Shaikh PhD
NIPA Printout SAS 1983, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Noname, Amadou Gadio
Non-player Character, Kehang Xu
Norman Weinstein and James Garner, Norman Weinstein and James Garner
North of the Red Sea, Christopher T. Gallagher-Bartlett
Note of Explanation, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Notes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Not Too Pink, Not Too Blue, Lucy Marcella-Ray Galyean
"Nous Sommes Enfants Avant Migrants" | "We Are Children Before Immigrants" The Making and Unmaking of the Child Migrant Through Age Assessments in France, Hannah Wynters-Wright
November 2023, Robert Kelly
Ochoa 1984+87, Anwar s PhD and Eduardo M. Ochoa PhD
October 2023, Robert Kelly
Öffne Deinen Mond and Stick Your Tongue Out, Lindsey Aldrich Jordan
ok i'm perfect, Dania Skye Leibowitz
Olga / An Ode to our Mutual Cord, Talullah Calderwood Pratt
On Blogging: Threats to Its Existence and The Nature of Its Survival, Lucy Amelia Broberg
One Million Suns Bloom, Havvah Ruby Keller
On Space, Joseph S. McVicker III
Ontological Security and Environmental Hegemony in American Suburbs, Finlay Dunn MacKenzie
Original Music Composition on the Silent Film Ben Hur (1907) by Sidney Olcott., Sebastien Vincent Dufour
Our Digital Fire: Nostalgia, Spirituality, and Appropriation of Indigenous Knowledges, Olenka Tsyhankova
Outdoor class, ca. 1934., L. Hartley
Paella for Pennies: American Appeasement of Francoist Spain in the Infancy of the Cold War, Samuel G. Marcus
Painting class with Fred Segal '49 and Louise Fitzhugh '51, ca. 1949.
Pamphlets and Policies, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Party Lines, Jack M. Pilson
Pasinetti Lecture Notes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Pat Griffin ’76, ca. mid 1970s., John Duke Kisch
Paula Ilyinsky ’78, Jack Sherrill ’77, and Anita “Cookie” Litell, ca. late 1970s., John Duke Kisch
Paul Blackburn, Paul Blackburn
Paul Blackburn, Paul Blackburn
Paul Metcalf, Paul Metcalf
Paul Violi, Paul Violi
Pepper Book, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Gordon Pepper PhD
Perfect Starting Now, Natalie Levitch
Performance of Original Compositions, Mina Watanabe DeVore
Peter Schjeldahl, Peter Schjeldahl
Peterson Book, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Peter Sourian, Peter Sourian
Peter Sourian and Lucy Ferris, Peter Sourian and Lucy Ferris
Peter Sourian, ca. 1988., Will Faller
Phase Initiation Mechanism and Evolution Using Surface Evolver, Juan Baek
Philosophy of Agency in Studies of Alcoholism: a Generalizable Paradigm for Overcoming Spiraling Habits, Paul Patrick de Tournemire
Photon Food: Lead–Free Perovskites Enabling Sunlight to Fuel Physics and the Future, Alexandra Fraser
“Physical People”: Contemplative Dance Practice and the Language of Touch, Abbey Givertzman
Pierre Joris, Pierre Joris
Pierre Joris, Pierre Joris
Pierre Joris, Pierre Joris
Pierre Joris Discussing Paul Celan, Pierre Joris
Pierre McDonald Bleecker, 1876.
Platelet Rich Plasma: A Study on the Clinical Efficacy of PRP for Chronic Foot Pain, Zeda Wolf
Please Believe: Muriel Rukeyser, Mary McCarthy, and Their Literary Lives, Vivian Noah Hoyden
PMT, CBT, and Hybrid Models: Is Machine Learning the Future of Poverty Targeting?, Luca Orion Heidelberg
Pocket Lint, Scout Olip
Poetry, Translations, and Technology: Translation of Two Markets, Once Again by Ryoko Sekiguchi, Asyl Almaz
Polarization of Butterfly Wings in Visible and Ultraviolet Light, Sabrina B. Schettler
Polarized Light Vision in Birds Under Terrestrial Context, Chu Liu
Precisionist painter Professor Stefan Hirsch works on several drafts of his painting, “The Bombing of Nuremberg,” 1947., Elie Shneour
Predicting Neighborhood Gentrification in New Jersey, Justin Sapun
Predictive Modelling of Tennis Match Outcomes using Markov Chains and Logistic Regression, Eric Shin
Prescription for Conflict Affected Societies: Fiscal Measure for Economic Development, Ahmad Shoaib Jalil
Price Value Deviation Norms, Limits, Coefficient of Variation, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Price Value Deviations, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Price Value Deviations, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Price Value Deviations - Notes, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Process in the 1977-1994 Earth Art of Nancy Holt, Meg Webster, and Mia Westerlund Roosen, Catherine Clare Curry
Professor Benjamin La Farge reads with his class in Aspinwall, ca. 1988.
Professor Burt Brody and Mark Zagaeski ’78, ca. 1978., Fred Greenspan
Professor Joan Tower instructs a student at the piano, ca. 1985.
Professor Luis Garcia-Renart works with students in Bard Hall, ca. 1970s.
Professor William Driver talks with students on campus, ca. 1981.
Professor William Mullen leads a victory dance for a performance on Parents’ Day, 1988., Michael Weisbrot
Profit Matrices, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Psilocybin and Music: Proposal to Study the Effects of Music on Efficacy of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy for Treatment-Resistant Depression, Giorgi Gzirishvili
Psychology Professor Frank Oja leads a class discussion in a basement classroom in Tewksbury, 1965.
Pumping a Transition, Christopher Daniel Hallman
Punk in Translation: A Music and Fashion History of Punk, Estela A. Quiñones
P.U.S.H. for Life Among the Stars: A Scientific and Philosophical Quest for Conceptualizing Uncertainty, Jacinta Creel Vallejo
Quaven, Allistaire Billingsley
Queering the Math Curriculum: Pre-flections on nonbinary thinking in mathematics, K. Julia Williams
Radical Auditory Visual Experiences: Immersive Environments of 1960s Intermedia and 21st Century Raving, Sasha Alcocer
Random Graph, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Raphael Rudnik, Raphael Rudnik
Rational Economic Man as Bourgeois Ideology: A Critique of the Ways Subjugation is Reproduced, Sarah Seager
Reading Earth: Decolonial Design Through Sumak Kawsay, Natalia Valentina Miller
Reading Lists - 1979-1999, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Reamer Kline, ca. 1960s., Fabian Bachrach
Relationship Between Readiness Potential and Reasoning-initiated Movements, Bochen Li
Relative Importance of Olfaction and Local Enhancement in Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) Foraging Behavior, Isaac Pavalon
Rene Ricard, Rene Ricard
Resonance of The Unseen, Dung Thi Thuy Nguyen
Results on $k$-Covers in the Game Quads, Daniel Melvin Rose-Levine
Rev. Bernard Iddings Bell, ca. 1920.
Rev. Charles F. Hoffman, ca. 1890.
Rev. Lawrence T. Cole, ca. 1900.
Rev. Lyford Edwards, 1947., Elie Shneour
Revolt Against Reality: The Lineage of Chivalric Romance, Chris M. Benincase
Revolutionizing Economic Growth Through ICT: Rwanda's Path to Digital Empowerment, Mehria Ghafoori
Rev. Thomas Robinson Harris, ca. 1905.
Rev. William Olssen, ca. 1880., F. Forshew
Rhoda Levine ’53 poses for Steve Burr ’53 in a campus studio, early 1950s., David Brooks
Rhonda Williams, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Ricardo, Sraffa, & Marx, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Richard Clarke, Richard Clarke
Richard Clarke, Richard Clarke
Richard Ellman, Richard Ellman
Richard Grabel, Richard Grabel
Richard Grossinger, Richard Grossinger
Richard Lewis '58 (BardCorps), Richard Lewis
Richard Marshall, Richard Marshall
Richard Murphy, Richard Murphy
Robert Bly, Robert Bly
Robert Brinckerhoff Fairbairn, ca. 1870.
Robert Creeley, Robert Creeley
Robert Duncan, Robert Duncan
Robert Duncan, Robert Duncan
Robert Kelly, Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly, Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly, Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly, Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly, Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly, Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly, Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly, Robert Kelly
Robert Lowell, Robert Lowell
Rochelle Owens, Rochelle Owens
Ross Feld, Ross Feld
Ruinous Attraction: Phantasmagoric World of an Unruly Trans Body, Dot Ayala Valdez
“Sabor A Mi”: Uncovering the Taste Left in Postmodern Identity of Latin American Diaspora, Francisco Augusto Verastegui
Saul Yalkert, professor of industrial design, with three unidentified students, ca. 1948.
Schoolgirls and Cyborgs: The Destruction of Feminine Forms, Ayanna Elisa Ann Perez
Seamus Heaney, Seamus Heaney
Second Generation et al., Anwar Shaikh PhD
Sectoral Composition in Mexico: Is Nearshoring the Path to Development?, Ana Aparicio
SEDIMENTARY, Claire E. Sullivan
Semmler Public Finance, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Senior Project, Niall Edward Ransford
Sensual Container: The Body in Theory, the Body on Stage, Hannah Rosa Herschend
September 2023, Robert Kelly
Settings, Samuel Winslow Crocker
Set Wide the Window, Olivia Tristan Ramo
Shaikh Lecture Notes 1983, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Shaikh Tonak 1994 IO Data, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Show Hogs, Anna Nelson
Silence, Yihan Cao
Silent Struggles: Exploring Disordered Eating Among Asian American Women From a Sociocultural Perspective, Mingxi Wang
Silk is Stronger Than Steel, Natalia S. Gillespie
Simulating the Spread of Information Among Non-Playable Characters in Video Games, Summer Ashley Colon
Six unidentified women play basketball in the Memorial Gymnasium, ca. 1950.
Skylark, Noah K. Arrell
Slime Mold the new civil engineer?, Raven I. Atsalis-Gogel
Slippery Fellows: The Meaning of Thinking and Friendship, Maggie Hough
Slit Sensilla, Clementine V. Williams
Socialist Scholars Conference, Anwar Shaikh PhD and Robert Paul Wolff PhD
Somewhere In Between Me and Myself, Milena KB Feher
Spanish Book, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Spencer Holst, Spencer Holst
Spirituality as a Coping Mechanism for Academic Stress, Zurab Kherodinashvili
Spring 2005 and 2008 World Political Economy, Anwar Shaikh PhD
State Review, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Stimmfügungen, Johannes Darius Furtwängler
Stone Row escape by Michael Leibovic ’68, late 1960s., Peter Aaron
Street Gig, 1977., John Duke Kisch
Stuart R. Lavin and Gerard Malanga, Gerard Malanga and Stuart R. Lavin
Stuck Inside of the Pea Pod With the Little Bean Blues Again, Cyrus M. Kurman-Browning
Student Army Training Corps unit, 1918.
Student at the piano, ca. 1930s.
Student Newsletters 1990, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Students enjoy the view at Blithewood, ca. 1952., Hans Knopf PIX Incorporated
Students gather to enjoy some live music, ca. late 1940s.
Subnivean: A Short Film, Yonah Sadeh
Sunrise, Koryn G. Young
Symmetry and Structures of APN Functions and Sidon Sets, Darrion Thornburgh
Synergistic Effect of the Antimicrobial Peptide Colistin Sulfate and the β-Lactam Antibiotic Piperacillin Sodium Against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Biofilm Production, Isabella G. Espinosa
Synthesis and Characterization of Pt(II) Compounds by Substitution of Isocyanide Ligands, Ryan H. Lum
Tandy Sturgeon, Tandy Sturgeon
Technological Discourse and Poetic Complications: American Writings on Panama, 1900-1915, Hannah Rosa Herschend
Ted Enslin, Theodore Enslin
Tenure Standards and Review Schedule, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Terror in the Balkans: The Croatian War and Operation Storm, Nicholas H. Coleman
Testing the potential for field qPCR detection of fecal indicators in the Saw Kill, a Hudson River tributary, Niskua Luz Medina
THAT VERY EXPANSE, Shannon Anne O'Neill
The Architect: Worldbuilding in the Works of Cormac McCarthy and China Miéville, Jack Ian DeAngelis
Theater class, ca. 1952., Hans Knopf
Theater performance, ca. mid-1970s., Fred Greenspan
The Auteur as a Critic: Amy Taubin reviews Steven Soderbergh, Maria B. Bernedo
The Bard basketball team, 1933–1934., G. Fritz
The Benefits of Multiple Caregivers: Nurturing Growth In The US and Ghana, Kai Addo
The Black Women Who Were Not in American History Books: The Women of The Black Wall Street Massacre of 1921, Antoinay Ruby Gwendoyln Collins
The Blithewood Swimming Pool, ca. 1957.
The campus bowling alley, ca. 1925.
The campus post office in Hegeman, ca. 1940s., Hans Knopf
The case for an Alteration of the Academic Divide of the Religious and Secular: an Exploration of the Super Smash Bros Melee Community, Alexander Ryan Harrison
The Chapel of the Holy Innocents, late 1800s.
The Charleston, South Carolina Hospital Workers’ Strike of 1969: The Rise and Fall of Black Women’s Labor Organizing in the American South, Carson Rose Stehling
The Chronology of Development in Senegal, Charles Simmons
The Conservative Interest in American Higher Education: From Vietnam to Palestine, Alexandra Pearl Mulvey
The Construction and Perversion of the Sapphonic World, Emile Feuser—Lisitsian
The Departures of the Eclogues, Rowan Bauman Swain
The Driving Hours, Lukas Muir Olausson
The Drunkard and the Connoisseur, Jake Kolya Weinstein
The Dynamic of the Soccer Economy: The Competitive Disparity of the Transfer Market, Nicholas Thomas Agugliaro
The Economics of the NFL: A Strategic Analysis of the NFL Economics and Contracts to Create Future Prosperity, Nicholas John Hubbe
The Effect of Increasing Number of People, Rumor-Threshold, Liking-Factor, and Influence on the Spread of Rumors: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach, Abdul Matloob Naweed
The Effect of Monetary Policy on Housing Price in China —- A Cross-Regional Study, Joe Yang
The Effect of Pesticides Glyphosate and Cyfluthrin on the Growth of the Eukaryotic Organism Candida Albicans, Tim Neumeister
The Evolving Threat: Jewish Resistance in Early 20th Century Varshe and Today, Misha Eanna Schaffner-Kargman
"The Fire and the Rose Are One": Pattern, Interpretation, and Self in T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets, Stella R. Scanlon
The fire of the Zabriskie Coach House Theater, 1973., Fred Greenspan
The Former Things, Isabelle M. Kline
The Freedom Handbook, Sydney Oshuna-Williams
The Great Exchange: How Social Media Convinced a Generation of Girls To Trade Their Mental Health for Social Status, Lilly Brodie-Berge
The Great Social Evil: Images of Fallen Women in Victorian England, Basha Yonit Shapiro
The Great Social Evil: Images of Fallen Women in Victorian England, Basha Yonit Shapiro
The Haunting of Chloe Griffault ("This is Supposed to be Fun"/"Ghost Stories"), Chloe E. Griffault
The Heart of the Fairy Tale: Eurasian Folklore and the Art of Translation, Sophia Helen Isaacs Perkins
The Hegelian Double Negation in Nietzschean Affirmation, Li Jia
The Impact of Religiosity and Spirituality on Wellbeing: The Mediating Effect of Positive Emotions and Perceived Control, Luis Jhamil Rondon
The Impact of U.S. Remittances on Non-Transnational Families In Mexico, During AMLO’s Presidency, Sebastián Barreto
The interior of the Chapel of the Holy Innocents, late 1800s.
The Invisible Truth Of New Orleans Policing and Culture, Angel Dainell Johnson
The Journal of Dr. Harold McCourt, Simon W. S. Horan
The Joy and Taboo of Menstruation (Body image and Self-Objectification), Lola Justine Mainieri
The Launching of the Euro, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
The Lifeline Automatically Routes Calls by Area Code to the Nearest Crisis Center, Benjamin Arthur Colling
The literature division of Bard, 1953.
The Meaning of the Meaningless: The Orange Moonstone of Sisyphus, Ruohan Wu
The Namasudras and the Invited Missionary: Caste, Recognition, and Agency in 19th and 20th Century Bengal, Cedric Rule-Becker
The Next Crash: The 2008 Echo Sounds Like a Commercial Property Crash, Cory Keegan Dennis
the night sky is beautiful, jordan, Jonathan Prince Asiedu
The north end of campus walk, ca. 1880.
The Northport Beatnik, Aidan Lily Athanasio
Theodore Weiss, Theodore Weiss
Theodore Weiss, Theodore Weiss
The Origins of Ideology, Eve Lilith Campbell
The Perspective of an Alumnus, Rifah Tasnim
The Problem of the Political Abstainer: Finding Meaning in the Modern Political World, Henry J. Mielarczyk
The Red Line, Rowan Truman
The Relationship Between Semantic Search and Semantic Priming, Lily Rachel Mencarini
The Re-radicalization of King: Understanding Martin Luther King Jr's Radical Ideas and the Simplification of His Legacy, Erika A. Jeanty
The Revolutions to Come: Mexican Artists, Institutions, and Ideas, 1897–1920, Oskar A. Pezalla-Granlund
The Right Sign for the Right Time: A Look at the Effectiveness of Different Types of Signage, Samantha Emily Feldstein
Thermotolerance and Intrinsic Resistance: A Survey of Environmental Yeast Isolates, Tenzing Neyden
The Roots and Evolution of the Indigenous Art of the Pennsylvania Dutch: Fraktur, Barn Stars, and Hex Signs, Ella Daisy Foucault
the Rush, John C. Keelan Jr.
The Saga of Aslaug Sigurdsdottir or The Saga of the Volsungs Retold, Benicio E.M. Taggart
The Southwest Meets the Huasteca; The Struggle for Mexican Oil, Patrick Madaus
The St. Stephen’s Class of 1875., Henry A. Fairbairn
The St. Stephen’s Class of 1877., G. W. Pach
The St. Stephen’s Class of 1889.
The St. Stephen’s rugby football team, 1895.
The Sunday school class of the Chapel of the Holy Innocents, 1890.
The Swallow's Daughter, Hannah Vincenza Hemingway
The Synthetic Uncanny: Grotesque Aesthetics in Artificial Intelligence Art, Michael William Melchiondo
The Unmade Self: An Exploration of Material and Craft, Hannah Rebekah Johansdotter Cline
The Wanderer's Parable, Zeph William Watkins
Things That Go Bump, Emily Iris McMaster
things to Things: An Exploration of Memory Displacement within the Hierarchy of Collection Institutions, Carolina Galvis
Thinking of Western Influence: Elite Chinese Women’s Response from 1880s to 1920s, Pin-Shan Lai
Thomas Kinsella, Thomas Kinsella
Thomas Meyer, Thomas Meyer
THRESHOLDS, Shannon Anne O'Neill
Through Low Brain's Slap & Stick, Caleb Harrison Pitney
Thy Trials of Thy Fae, Danielle Dean
Tilt-A-Whirl, Sadie Bernard
Toddıtmi, Dodjetmi, Dodjamt: (Constructed) Language as (Constructed) Change, Maria Ciobanu
To End the Slum: The Origins of American Public Housing, Aimee Leigh Gallagher
To Give Birth to a Dancing Star: Nietzsche’s Linguistic Deliverance, Bella Bergen
Torchlight procession, February 1957.
Towards Illegibility: A series of reflections on living beyond language, Ariella Brodie-Weisberg
Trading Pressures: Deeper Insight into Export Controls and Sanctions’ Impact on the United States and Global Trade Markets, Eric Julian Guaman
Transformation, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Transformative Encounters with Inspirational Educators, Yadanar Lwin
Travel/Research, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Trees Barking/Divina Mimesis, Ash Fitzgerald
Twentieth Century Reforms in Traditional Chinese Music, Jinou Dong
Two female fencers pose in the Memorial Gymnasium, late 1940s.
Unearthing: A Dual Exploration of Art & Science, Hannah Wheeler
University Policies, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Unnatural Disasters, Lyra Johnson
URPE 1982, Anwar Shaikh PhD
URPE Conference 1988, Anwar Shaikh PhD
URPE Summer Conference 1981, Anwar Shaikh PhD
URPE Working Groups, Anwar Shaikh PhD
URPE Working Groups + Regional + Discussions, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Using Environmental DNA Assays to Detect Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon Marinus) in Aquatic Environments, Emma Kuntz
Using the Trolley Dilemma and the Implications of Anxiety to Look at How Interpersonal Relationships Impact Moral Decision-Making, Daniella Dsouza Michaeli
U.S. vs. Us: Sound and Subjectivity in American Political Thrillers of the 1970s, Lila Nichols Bowe
Utilization of Polarized Light to Select Prey Items Among Wild Birds, Emily G. Peck
Uwe Johnson, Uwe Johnson
View River River View, Lillian Merrill Ogden
Visualizing Trends with Tableau, Baheshta Abed Rahimi
Voices of a True Vincentian-Garifuna Family Oral Stories, Histories and Traditions. An Intergenerational Auto-Biographical Memoir on Yurumein-Youloumain From the 17th century to Now., Zariah Jana Calliste
Walter Lowenfels, Walter Lowenfels
Water Was Always There, Joshua Aviuth Guerrero
WBAI Poetry Broadcasts - 1961, 99.5 WBAI
we receive a new name., Rae רחל Lipkind and Rae Lipkind
Werner Wolff, seated at end of table, socializes with unidentified students, ca. 1943.
What Happens After High School?, Natalie Castelan Marquez
What Might We Become, Zach Mattison
What’s The Alternative: Media, Community, and Subversion in Barbara Ess’s Just Another Asshole, Ray Camp
When I Stop, That's the End, Ray Coco Smith
Whose Doctor is it Anyway?: Fandom and Authorship in Doctor Who, Rimon-Hadassah Walker
Why the Neoconservative Theory of American Foreign Policy Failed to Anticipate and Prepare for a Counter-Insurgency in Iraq?, Aidan Porter Risse
Why the Neoconservative Theory of American Foreign Policy Failed to Anticipate and Prepare for a Counter-Insurgency in Iraq?, Aidan Porter Risse
WILDER, Nine A. Reed-Mera
Wild Strawberries, Emma Robin Paxson
William Bard, known as “Willie,” ca. 1864., Black & Case
William Wilson, William Wilson
Will You Be Mad At Me If I Die? On Dying and Surviving and Everything Inbetween, Riley Blackburn Cerabona
Wingspan, Falcon Laina
Wonderings and Wanderings: Poems Exploring Life and Death, Patricia A. Dynes
Worksheets and Data, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Work Study, Anwar Shaikh PhD
Writing as Active Learning in Gateway Undergraduate Mathematics, Amanda Landi and Kaethe Minden
Writing in the Zones for the Reading of Proofs in the Mathematics Classroom: A How-To Guide, Miha E. Habič and Kaethe Minden
Writing On The Wall - An Investigation of Modern Political Graffiti in France and Italy, Benjamin Porter DeBisschop
W.S. Merwin, William Stanley Merwin
W.S. Merwin, William Stanley Merwin
Wunderseele: one body flowing, Tina Michelle Kinsbourne
WXBC radio show taping, late 1940s., Hans Knopf
Yet Still We Pass, Michaela Elyse Siegel
You Cry Like a Girl: Narratives of Gender Affirmation, Zoie Aniella Garnsey