"A Cross Country Growth Analysis of Pakistan and Bangladesh" by Mahnoor Khawaja

Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Sanjay Desilva

Abstract/Artist's Statement

It is unfortunate for Pakistan that the country has lost its competitiveness with other Asian countries and has come to a point where it must learn from the smaller states to overcome its economic hazard. One such country is Bangladesh. Once a part of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Bangladesh today has outrun Pakistan with its growing economy. The question is, is there something that Pakistan can learn from Bangladesh’s economic decisions to overcome its economic trap? This thesis explores the factors behind the contrasting economies of Pakistan and Bangladesh with a sharp focus on the garment industry of Bangladesh which has played a pivotal role in the country’s development. The thesis recognizes that both Pakistan and Bangladesh are developing countries with similar religious, cultural, social, and historical values, and therefore aims to identify strategies that have differentiated Bangladesh from Pakistan, thereby deriving findings that can help devise key lessons for Pakistan which the country can adopt for its economic development.

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