"Econ 204; APE I" by Anwar Shaikh PhD and Willi Semmler PhD


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This collection includes a lecture handout for Econ 204: Advanced Political Economy I by Willi Semmler (Fall 1984), a reading list for the class, handouts titled "Accumulation and Cycles (Goodwin Model)", "Conditions for Extended Reproduction and Determinants of the Growth of the Two Departments", "Production of Surplus Value — and the Rate of Profit", "Example for an Inconsistency in Exchange", "The Marxian Treatment of Fixed Capital and the Influence of Turnover Time on Values, Relative Prices, and the Profit Rate", "Turnover, Fixed and Circulating Capital and Instability", "The Three Circuits of Capital and their Unity", class discussion questions, mid term topics, "Accumulation and Industrial Reserve Army", a class reading list (Fall 1983), a reading list (Spring 1984), a paper by Semmler titled "On Nonlinear Theories of Economic Cycles and the Persistence of Business Cycles", a paper by Semmler and Peter Flaschel "The Dynamic Equalization of Profit Rates on Multiproduct Industry Levels", and a paper by Semmler titled "Competition, Cycles, and Growth" (February 1985).

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Economics Commons
