"1983 ECO 205 plus Papers" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


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This includes a document titled "Notes on Marx and Keynes" by Anwar Shaikh (1/5/83), "The Transformation Problem" by Mark Glick, draft papers by Professor Shaikh titled "INVESTMENT AND FINANCE IN MARX AND KEYNES" (3/1985), "Keynes, Marx, and the Investment Multiplier" (1/12/83), "NATIONAL INCOME ACCOUNTS AND MARXIAN CATEGORIES" (12/1978), a lecture flyer for Bertram Schefold on "Sraffa and Applied Economics", papers by Professor Shaikh titled "A Critique of Keynesian Theory on the Role of the State" (11/1980), "ORGANIC COMPOSITION OF CAPITAL" (8/1986), a document by Anwar Shaikh titled "NOTES ON THE FALLING RATE OF PROFIT" (2/23/82), a flyer for lectures by Sheila Ryan and Mustafa Habib (3/29/84), handwritten notes by Prof. Shaikh titled "On the Social Wage" (3/1982), a document titled "The Falling Rate of Profit", a chapters from a book titled "Towards Global Fordism?" and "Marx or Rostow?" by Alain Lipietz, a book chapter titled "Socialists and the Crisis of Labourism" by Tariq Ali and Quintin Hoare, the chapters "The Global Economy: New Edifice or Crumbling Foundations?" by David M. Gordon, "The Paradigm Crisis of Dualism: Decay or Regeneration?" by Constance Lever-Tracy, "Homogenize, divide and rule: an essay on Segmented Work, Divided Workers" by Peter Nolan and P. K. Edwards, and a flyer for a lecture with Guillermo Rochabrun titled "BASE AND SUPERSTRUCTURE; TOWARDS A DIALECTICAL SOLUTION" (11/30).

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