Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program

Computer Science; Mathematics

Project Advisor 1

Sven Anderson

Project Advisor 2

Charles Doran

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Birdsong, a captivating biological phenomenon, intrigues me due to its intricate interplay of neurological, physical, and biological processes. My fascination stems from a purely physical standpoint. The components involved- air sacs, muscles, cartilage, membranes, trachea, various chambers, and mouth opening - collaborate to propel air through vibrating issues, generating pressure waves that are perceived as bird calls. In this project, I delve into comprehending the intricate dynamics of air and vibrations within those complex biological systems by modeling its characteristic deferential equations. While existing studies rely on numerical methods, this project aims to explore both the numeric and analytical aspects of song production.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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