Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Christopher McIntosh

Project Advisor 2

Youssef Ait Benasser

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Economic sanctions are tools of pressure that utilize the financial leverage that the sanctioning entity has over the sanctioned entity, which has been used for centuries. In an increasingly globalized environment, countries share international platforms controlled by national and global financial institutions to conduct financial transactions, trade, and maintain complex supply chains. A country can use its financial, legal, and physical infrastructures to inflict economic damage on the target entity in reaction to a target committing some offense in the eyes of the sanctioning country. After the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the Donbas conflict, much of the Western bloc placed sanctions on Russia. Back then, all interested parties used journalism to create narratives about sanctions with an extensive range of assessments. After the beginning of the Full-Scale Russian Invasion of Ukraine, starting in 2022, the media spaces in Russia and Ukraine have been respectively centralized, with laws in both countries expanding government control over the press (to different extents). Throughout this Invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian and Russian outlets have been creating narratives regarding sanctions, their economic consequences, and their effects on the ongoing conflict. This paper explores the narratives observed in those media outlets, the facts or conjectures used to help further each narrative, and the potential motivators to spread these narratives.

Open Access Agreement

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