Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Brooke Jude

Abstract/Artist's Statement


Pesticides have become ever present in our food, being detected in >70% of all fresh produce. Given the widespread presence of pesticides in fresh produce, their is a high risk of direct exposure to organisms in the gut microbiome, this study aims to elucidate the relationship between pesticide exposure and the growth of C. albicans, a common human gut pathogen. An MTT assay was used to understand growth dynamics of C. albicans in response to two commonly used pesticides, glyphosate and cyfluthrin. . Our results revealed that glyphosate had an inhibitory effect on the growth of C. albicans at all concentrations tested, while cyfluthrin had little effect on the growth of C. albicans, and potentially aiding the growth of C. albicans in low concentrations. This research underscores the complex interactions between pesticides and gut microbiota, highlighting the need for further studies to fully understand the implications of pesticide residues in our food on human health and microbial ecology.

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