"Assorted Non-Shaikh 2" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


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This collection includes the article, Semmler, W., & Sieveking, M. (n.d.). Nonlinear liquidity-growth dynamics with corridor-stability. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 22(2), 189., pages from " Studies on Mario Bunge’s Treatise. (1990). Rodopi, edited by Paul Weingartner and Georg J. W. Dorn (1990), "ON A MACROFOUNDATION OF MACROECONOMICS Parts 1—3" by Clifford Goalstone, "A MACROFOUNDATION RESTATED" by Cliff Goalstone, Kopcke, R. W. (1980). Potential Growth, Productivity, and Capital Accumulation. New England Economic Review, 22-41. Mirowski, P. (1987). Shall I compare thee to a Minkowski-Ricardo-Leontief-Metzler Matrix of the Mosak-Hicks type?: Or, Rhetoric, mathematics, and the nature of neoclassical economic theory. Economics & Philosophy, 3(1), 67-95., the book "HAS SOCIALISM FAILED?" by Joe Slovo, handwritten notes on Mirowski, "STAGNATION AND UNDERCONSUMPTION IN SWEEZY AND STRACHEY" by Manuel Roman (10/1990), "MARX AND ENGELS ON FRENCH SOCIAL DEMOCRACY: HISTORIANS OR REVOLUTIONARIES?" by Bernard H. Moss, a journal from the Fernand Braudel Center Vol. XI Number 3 (Summer 1988), "MORISHIMA ON PASINETTI ON RICARDO" by Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori (1990), "AMERICAN CAPITALISM AND TEHERAN" by Gilbert Green (1944), a letter from Massoud regarding the article by Green, "The Utilization of Capital Equipment: Postwar Compared With Prewar" by Murray F. Foss in Survey of Current Business V. 43 (1963), data from Statistics Canada, "HISTORICAL STATISTICS OF CANADA" by F. H. Leacy (1983), Leibowitz, M. L., & Kogelman, S. (1994). The growth illusion: The P/E ‘cost’of earnings growth. Financial Analysts Journal, 50(2), 36-48.

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