"The Auteur as a Critic: Amy Taubin reviews Steven Soderbergh" by Maria B. Bernedo

Date of Submission

Fall 2023

Academic Program

Film and Electronic Arts

Project Advisor 1

Ed Halter

Abstract/Artist's Statement

In this project, we seek to understand the role of the film critic in the modern world through my favorite film critic: Amy Taubin. As a throughline, we use Steven Soderbergh’s most notable works: Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989) and The Knick (2014-15)

We additionally study the role of the auteur, and what its impact is on the development of film criticism. We focus on Taubins career over the last 30 years and its impact on the concepts we have around filmmaking, criticism, and auteurism. Mostly, this is a piece about what passion for cinema will lead different creators to. Writers and directors alike, more specifically, Taubin and Soderbergh, seem to share more similarities than differences, proving to have similar careers in widely different films. Special attention is paid to The Knick due to personal liking reasons, the same way that Taubin clearly has a liking for Sex, Lies, and Videotape.

How does the modern role of the filmmaker affect the films being produced? How does filmmaking impact films created over the last 30 years? What are the biggest differences and similarities between Taubin and Soderbergh?

Mostly, this is a celebration of Taubins career and its legacy. The place she has in film is developed through years of hard work that possess a distinctive style and sharp wit. She is widely underrepresented in the cultural zeitgeist and this project seeks to change that.

Open Access Agreement

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