"Grievance Committee" by Anwar s PhD


Anwar s PhD


Open Access

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This collection includes an interoffice memorandum to Professor Shaikh from Alice Amsden regarding faculty promotion (10/10/91), a typed document titled "Grievance Committee Proposal," a letter to Joan Lucariello from Judith Friedlander regarding the school's grievance procedures (9/8/94), a memo to Dean Judith Friedlander from Joan Lucariello regarding grievance procedures (9/21/94), a letter to the grievance committee from Ira Katznelson regarding procedures (9/19/86), handwritten notes on grievance procedures, a letter to Judith Friedlander by Shaikh titled "Report of the Graduate Faculty Grievance Committee on the ease of Thomas Palley" (7/8/98), handwritten notes containing emails and phone/fax numbers for members of the grievance committee, cover pages of faxes sent by Shaikh to members of the committee containing the report of the committee, handwritten notes from a grievance committee meeting, a typed document titled "Statement to the GF Appeal Committee," (4/15/98), a document titled "JOB OPENINGS FOR ECONOMISTS" published by the American Economic Association (10/1996), a document titled "Advance praise for PLENTY OF NOTHING" with positive reviews of Thomas Palley's book, handwritten committee notes, and a typed letter by Thomas I. Palley to Dean Friedlander regarding appealing tenure rejection (4/17/97).

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