"Marx Keynes Seminar 1986" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


Open Access


This collection includes handwritten notes for Econ 205 titled "A Marxian Model of Cyclically Stable Accum" (2/1986), a draft paper titled "INVESTMENT AND FINANCE IN MARX AND KEYNES" (3/1995), handwritten notes titled "Lecture 3" (9/22/86), handwritten lecture notes titled "Marx Keynote", a handwritten letter to two people (Anu and Radhika) asking if they can take over doing transcripts while the author is on jury duty, a typed document titled "TRANSCRIPT FOR MARX KEYNES SEMINAR: LECTURE 2/ SEPT. 15, 1986", a draft paper by Shaikh titled "Keynes, Marx, and the Investment Multiplier" (1/12/83), a typed transcript titled "Shaikh on Keynes—Lectures from Marx-Keynes Seminar", a handwritten list of names and telephone numbers, a typed and annotated document titled "Ricardo on Demand", typed notes by Shaikh for Econ 205 titled "HARRODIAN INSTABILITY" (9/29/86), a draft by Shaikh titled "A General Framework Linking Aggregate Demand, Supply, and Finance" (10/6/86), handwritten lecture notes titled "M/K", typed and annotated notes titled "Ricardo on Demand", handwritten notes titled "M/K" (October 22), handwritten notes for Econ 208 titled "Summary Notes on Effective Demand" (9/29/86), handwritten lecture notes on Keynes (9/29/86), a list of names and phone numbers titled "Marx/Keynes Transcripts", and handwritten lecture notes on Keynes and Kalecki.

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Economics Commons
