Date of Award


First Advisor

Amy Smith

Second Advisor

Anne O'Dwyer


The gut microbiome is a complex community of microbes that exist in our bodies and their activities directly affect our health. The goal of this thesis is to provide a thorough review of the literature regarding chronic gastrointestinal diseases and their relation to the human gut microbiome. Additionally, treatment options for gastrointestinal tract diseases are reviewed, with specific focus on genomic medicine and efficacy of current treatments. A major focus of this thesis is Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), which is among the most common, but least understood, of the gastrointestinal diseases. Thus, an in-depth review of treatments, incompatible drug reactions, as well as drug components with special populations in mind is provided. These special populations are less likely to benefit from ‘cookie-cutter’ medicine that is prescribe

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