"Worksheets and Data" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


Open Access


This collection includes a glossary related to Bureau of Economic Analysis capital stock data (6/1979), notes "calculating V*: conceptual relation" (12/26/84), "Reconciliation of Ka__ & Ahmet variable capital calculations" (10/19/84), handwritten table "Corp. officer's salary by sector" (5/15/78), computer data tables related to COS, handwritten tables on V* and Se*, data table "Capital consumption allowances" (3/1976), "Alternate estimates of capital consumption and profits of nonfinancial corporations 1975-78" (8/1979), notes "calculations for S/V" (5/21/78), "Non-agric. economy, 1929-1974" (4/1978), "Variable capital" (4/9/78), "BLS publications" (4/1/78), pages from "Handbook of labor statistics" by US DOL, handwritten references list, a table "Govemmental Employment and Payrolls, by Level of Government, 1940—73", a research to-do list (3/25/78), and "Turnover & unrpod. capital" (3/26/78).

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