Open Access
Recommended Citation
Shaikh, Anwar PhD, "Worksheets and Data" (1978). Archives of Anwar Shaikh. 116.
Open Access
Shaikh, Anwar PhD, "Worksheets and Data" (1978). Archives of Anwar Shaikh. 116.
This collection includes a glossary related to Bureau of Economic Analysis capital stock data (6/1979), notes "calculating V*: conceptual relation" (12/26/84), "Reconciliation of Ka__ & Ahmet variable capital calculations" (10/19/84), handwritten table "Corp. officer's salary by sector" (5/15/78), computer data tables related to COS, handwritten tables on V* and Se*, data table "Capital consumption allowances" (3/1976), "Alternate estimates of capital consumption and profits of nonfinancial corporations 1975-78" (8/1979), notes "calculations for S/V" (5/21/78), "Non-agric. economy, 1929-1974" (4/1978), "Variable capital" (4/9/78), "BLS publications" (4/1/78), pages from "Handbook of labor statistics" by US DOL, handwritten references list, a table "Govemmental Employment and Payrolls, by Level of Government, 1940—73", a research to-do list (3/25/78), and "Turnover & unrpod. capital" (3/26/78).