"Assoreted Non-Shaikh - 1" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


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This collection includes the article titled Treynor, J. L. (1994). Samizdat: The Investment Value of Plant. Financial Analysts Journal, 50(2), 12–17., Kritzman, M. (1994). What Practitioners Need to Know about Serial Dependence. Financial Analysts Journal, 50(2), 19–22. ", "International Price and Quantity Comparisons: Purchasing Power parities and Real Expenditures, Canada and the United States" by Katherine Kemp in "Statistics Canada" Cat. No. 13-201, handwritten notes based on the Canada data, the article sent by the author to Prof. Shaikh, Toichiro Asada. (n.d.). The Sraffian System and Theories of Distribution and Effective Demand--Some Applications. Konazawa University Economics Review, 23(3), p71–125,, data from "Statistics Canada" Cat. No. 11-210, data from "Banking and Finance", a letter from Professor Shaikh to Ernesto Herzberg requesting they return copies of Shaikh's work and have no further contact with him, "Canadian journal of economics XVII No. 2" (5/1984), a list of topics (12/19/90 Lebowitz, M. A. (1982). The One-Sidedness of Capital. Review of Radical Political Economics, 14(4), 40–51., the book Marx, K., Magdoff, H., Sweezy, P. M., Resnick, S. A., Wolff, R. D., & Wallerstein, I. M. (1985). Rethinking Marxism : struggles in Marxist theory : essays for Harry Magdoff & Paul Sweezy. Autonomedia. " (1985), Lebowitz, M. A. (n.d.). Is “analytical Marxism” Marxism? Science & Society, 52(2), 191Parguez, A., & Seccareccia, M. (1988). Note on Left-Wing Neo-Conservatism. Studies in Political Economy, 26(1), 181–185., "THE COMMUNIST PERSPECTIVE: New Studies in Socialism and Revolution" by Lucien Séve (1992), a handwritten letter sending translated philosophical writings from the USSR and Eastern Europe, "New Thinking for Marxist Theory: The Contribution of Lucien Seve" by Carl Shames, "The Role of Community in Modern Classical Liberal Economic Thought" by Jerry Evensky (1990), journal article Fraumeni, B. M., & Jorgenson, D. W. (1980). Rates of Return by Industrial Sector in the United States, 1948-76. The American Economic Review, 70(2), 326–330." and "'Choice of technique' and the falling rate of profit" by Shaikh for GE204 (4/15/87).

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