"BEA Data and Notes" by Anwar s PhD


Anwar s PhD


Open Access


This includes calculations based on BEA sent by Greg Bongen to Professor Shaikh (3/9/95), "Method for Constructing the Capital Stock Matrix" (3/7/95), a letter from ED to Prof. Shaikh regarding BEA data analysis (3/13/94), "Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Documentation," a letter from Bongen to Anwar Shaikh on data analysis (2/25/95), "FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release" (12/14/94), data calculations from Bongen to Shaikh (3/11/95), a letter from Shaikh to Wynne regarding equity and money demand functions, handwritten notes with capital matrix calculations, econometric results on "price-value deviations" (6/30/93), and handwritten notes on price-value deviations (3/2/94).

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Economics Commons
