"I-O Tables" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


Open Access


This collection includes handwritten notes titled "Production, distribution, and inventory changes," a draft related to real estate (12/18/75), "Purchaser's price vs producer's price," "I-O tables and Marxian categories" (10/11/75), "I-O tables and transportation" (3/4/82), "Turnover & circulation costs" (4/24/78), "Basic physical scheme and value scheme," "I-O projects to be investigated" (1/5/82), "Value of labor power," "State," a list of references, "Implications for national income accounts for I-O project," a handwritten letter in the form of equations to Professor Shaikh from Peter Brooks, "Productive/unproductive," "Rent," "Input-output tables," "GNP and total price," "I-O project," "Notes for outline of I-O project", a table titled "Employment and earnings" from "Household Earnings," an appendix from Brown, M. (1966). On the theory and measurement of technological change. Cambridge University Press. notes on " Yan, C.-s. (1969). Introduction to input-output economics. Holt, Rinehart and Winston., notes on "National Income Accounts" by Samuelson, Samuelson, P. A., & Skidmore, F. (1970). Readings in economics (6th ed). McGraw-Hill, "Intermediate transactions", and untitled notes.

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