"IO and K Stock Data" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


Open Access


This collection includes handwritten notes titled "BR, ABR, and Unbundling" (12/29/94), "README File for GPO by industry Estimates" (1994), "IO data notes" (1/4/95), econometric work titled "Ochoa 1984", econometric results (2/25/95), an email from Edward Chilcote to Anwar Shaikh with the subject "eigenvalue of k-stock matrix" (2/24/95), from Greg Bongen subject "k-stock" (2/24/95), a handwritten letter to Prof. Shaikh from” Becke” regarding the econometrics project (1/2/95), document "Path 4. Deriving the Capital Stock Matrix K" (12/27/94), "contents of BEA detailed industry wealth data diskettes" (12/22/94), "Summary input-output tables", a draft document on the econometric project (12/30/94), a fax from Ed Chilcote to Anwar Shaikh titled "IO Definitions and Conventions" (12/30/94), "Methodology of the Input-Output Database", a fax and letter from Shaikh to Michael Glenn requesting private fixed capital data (12/21/94), a BEA "Facsimile Transmission Sheet" from Glenn to Shaikh with the requested data, a fax and letter from Shaikh to Michael Moore requesting data (12/21/94), "USER'S GUIDE TO BEA INFORMATION", "United States Department of Commerce, The Economic Bulletin Board: Your Electronic Business Newspaper", part of a letter from Chilcote regarding finding an article (12/22/94), handwritten notes "BEA Data Set", "References for I-O project Bureau of Economic Analysis" (12/22/94), and an email from Chilcote to Shaikh regarding progress with the project (1994).

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Economics Commons
