"Crisis Book Ch 1-3 Outlines, Drafts" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


Open Access


This includes handwritten notes titled "Marxist Theories of Crisis" (10/5/83), the typed document "Marxist Theories Of Crisis" by Shaikh with handwritten notes (10/1982), Chapter Two, "Early Soviet Assessments of Capitalism" in Day, R. B. (1981). The “Crisis” and the “crash” : Soviet studies of the West. 01, 1917-1939. NLB., the introduction to Gordon, D. M. (1977). Problems in political economy : an urban perspective (2d ed). Heath., a typed document with “Revisions” handwritten across the first page, titled, The Economic Theory of U.S. Left Politics,” a typed document titled “Outline of Crisis Book,” along with Part One of the book titled “Marxist Theories of Crisis", and handwrittennotes related to the crisis book (5/23/84).

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