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This collection includes a New York Times article titled "Kerrey Debates His Students on Changing Iraqi Regime" (12/5/02), "Graduate Faculty Dean Search Committee" (11/25/02), a draft of "NEW SCHOOL UNIVERSITY Dean of the Graduate Faculty Position Statement" (11/25/02), a spreadsheet by Prof. Shaikh on estimated net cost incurred by students across graduate programs (4/2002), "Peterson's Graduate & Professional Programs: An Overview" (2002), "Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences" (1999), a fax from John Eatwell to Anwar Shaikh regarding the class schedule (6/5/90), a memo from Prof. Shaikh to Bunny Bell regarding student advisors (6/6/90), from Shaikh to Alice Amsden regarding course grades (7/10/90), from Amsden to Shaikh regarding a leave of absence (4/30/91), a handwritten letter from Amsden (1991), a memo from Amsden to Shaikh regarding the Committee on Awards and Scholarships (5/8/91), a letter from Talal Asad to Alan Wolfe regarding understaffing in the anthropology department (5/16/91), a memo from Shaikh to Amsden requesting a change to office hours (11/25/91), from Amsden to Shaikh regarding a senior faculty meeting (10/10/91), from Shaikh to Amsden regarding leave plans (10/31/91), a handwritten letter from Amsden to Shaikh regarding leave (10/15/91), a memo from Amsden to Shaikh regarding leave plans (11/1/91), a letter from Amsden to Shaikh protesting the hiring of Sungur Savran (5/31/91), a memo from Shaikh to Amsden regarding the Junior Faculty Evaluation Committee (11/12/91), a letter from Judith Friedlander to William Milberg regarding his reappointment (4/15/94), a letter from Bell to Shaikh regarding their departure (11/6/90), from Wolfe to Shaikh regarding appointment procedures (10/14/92), from Wolfe to Shaikh titled "Miscellaneous matters" (11/13/91), from Wolfe to Shaikh titled "Spring 1992 Courses" (11/1/91), and speech notes titled "Shaikh Convocation Speech Nega Sept 2007."

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Economics Commons
