Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program

Theater and Performance

Project Advisor 1

Jack Ferver

Project Advisor 2

Miriam Felton-Dansky

Abstract/Artist's Statement

How much of our identity comes from within or is constructed by the media and entertainment mediums we consume growing up?

For my senior project, I set out to write and direct a multimedia performance piece following the relationship between two West-coast friends–George and Antonio–as they navigate their friendship and identity at the dawn of the new millennium. By incorporating multimedia, I sought to explore how media in the 90s and early 2000s could construct queer identity and affect George and Antonio’s navigation of the world as emerging queer men. Through lighting, sound design, and CRT TV installations, I aimed to design an immersive universe that could feel visually and sonically both barren and colorful, simple yet overwhelming. As busy and as vibrant as a David LaChapelle magazine cover and as plain and sterile as a sexual health clinic. The media sequences on the TV installations act as the conscience of the characters, but also as a force that drives them closer or farther away from one another.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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