Date of Award


First Advisor

Anne O'Dwyer

Second Advisor

Sarah Snyder


This thesis explores trans-sexual embodiment through four essays, one interlude, and a research survey. I begin in Chapter 1 by explaining the Merleau-Pontian paradigm for studying embodiment, and I explain why this is a beneficial framework for transgender studies. I also provide some history on the formation of two sexes as well as transsexuality from a surgico-hormonal perspective. Chapter 2 dives into embodiment theory, focusing on one little-known trans-sexual phenomenon: experienced sexual organs (penis, breasts, vulva) that are not actually visible or even present, conceptually drawing from research on phantom limbs. I explore a novel treatment for gender dysphoria which seeks to “implant” a trans phantom via hypnosis, as an alternative or intermediate step to expensive surgical procedures. I continue, in Chapter 3, to consider a new framework for creating non-binary (woman/man) gender presentation that is based on observations of the Furry fandom. I explain the formation of post-gender ideology, pulling from several ontologies, and propose that androgyny is an imperfect solution for conveying a gender that is neither male nor female. A brief interlude follows in which I discuss the embodiment of a self-appointed name and some of the factors that go into the transgender re-naming choice. The thesis finishes with Chapters 4 and 5, which focus on menstruation while trans. I begin with an autoethnography of my personal experience with menstruation and my interest in menstrual studies. I then explain the biology of menstruation, and the societal gendering of the phenomenon as a women’s issue. The final chapter presents the findings of a quantitative, survey-based study comparing menstrual attitudes of menstruators of various gender identities.

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