"Neo Ricardians" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


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This collection includes handwritten lecture notes for Econ 205 (3/31/77), "Transformation problem (Berlin)" (11/10/77), notes from conference in Paris (3/1980), a section of the book "Econometric methods 2nd edition" by Johnson (1972), handwritten "LTV III", London conference notes, econometric graphs, notes from another Paris conference (11/25/78), a page from the book "Lectures in Mathematical Method in Economics" by Jacob Schwartz, notes related to Steedman and Simon, notes related to Marx (7/3/78), "Note on fixed capital" (9/25/78), "Vertical integration" (1/11/79), "David Levey" (8/18/75), pages from "The Deviation of Prices from Labor Values" by Wilfried Parys, notes on Gagnani (3/11/74), "Frankfurt capital theory conference" (7/1/78), notes on Joan Robinson's labor theory of value (10/4/77), "The rate of return on investment" (5/1979), and "Pure theory of capital—Hayek."

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Economics Commons
