"More I-O" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


Open Access


This collection includes handwritten notes titled "Modifications to NIPA/I-O,” "Additional questions on I-O transformation" (9/10/82), "Adjusting the I-O flow matrix for depreciation" (9/9/82), "Marxian categories and I-O account" (9/7/82), a handwritten letter from Anwar Shaikh to Don and Julie regarding a project to-do list, "The forms of appearance of surplus value" (4/1978), "Measurement of the rate of surplus-value, US 1900-1972" (12/1/76), "Facts and theory" (3/9/77), "Capacity utilization measures" (10/79), ""Measurement of the rate of surplus-value, US 1929-1972" (3/1982), "Marxian rates of profit" (10/1979), "A critique of Gillman and Mage" (4/1978), document "I-O Accounts,” document "Revisions to proposal for Mexico-US Marxian modeling project" (8/22/82), a to-do list, a manual related to Interindustry Data Base, a draft related to rates of profit, a to-do list (7/14/82), "Further work on I-O accounts" (5/28/82), "Summary: NIPA and Marxian C___" (3/10/82), "I-O accounts: Summary" (2/22/82), and notes related to the I-O project.

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Economics Commons
