Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Sanjay Desilva

Abstract/Artist's Statement


This study examines the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in shaping Rwanda's economic development path through education. It evaluates the effectiveness of ICT in fueling the country's economic growth in the aftermath of the genocide. Through an analysis of Rwanda's strategic endeavors, including the National Information Communication Infrastructure (NICI) plans and Vision 2020, this study examines the nation's utilization of ICT as a means to facilitate its shift towards a knowledge-based economy, with a particular emphasis on its educational sector. An in-depth analysis is conducted to assess the impact of programs such as the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program, language reform and Research and Development (R&D) centers on educational access, quality, and equity. The study also discusses the notable obstacles that these projects encounter, such as inadequate infrastructure, financial limitations, and the overall requirement for extensive training for teachers. Through a comparative analysis, recommendations from Singapore's and India's ICT initiatives are combined to draw lessons on how to improve economic development and educational outcomes through technology. The results indicate that although the strategic incorporation of ICT in Rwanda could substantially improve economic and educational progress, it is imperative to address current obstacles in order to effectively achieve this promise. This study enhances the discussion on the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education by providing a detailed and nuanced comprehension of its effects on the development of a nation. Additionally, it presents specific suggestions for policies that are suitable for the unique circumstances of Rwanda.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

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