Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program

Computer Science

Project Advisor 1

Rose Sloan

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This work presents LociGraph, an artificial intelligence agent that can autonomously search information on the non-public web, such as email inboxes, online communities, social media, or web applications not searchable on a public search engine. With a given query, the agent will browse the web using the keyboard and mouse to find a webpage containing the relevant information and extract the information in a structured format. For example, if the agent is given the query [Alex, studied at, ?] on your email inbox, the agent will start by typing “Alex” into the search bar, click on email related to Alex, read the content “Alex went to Bard College” and return [Alex, studied at, Bard College]. The framework consists of two parts: an agent pipeline, where a group of agents analyze the webpage content and suggest the next action, and a browser extension, where the user can enter the query and execute the suggested action. Preliminary evaluations show that Large Language Model (LLM) agents can navigate and extract information from real-world websites, but struggle to extract information from indirectly relevant content. All code, benchmarks, and results are available at

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

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