Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Dimitri Papadimitriou

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This study is investigating the relationship between consumers and the online market in Greece. It focuses on consumer behavior toward the Greek e-commerce industry. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the daily technological advancements, the e-commerce market has rapidly evolved to the point where small and medium enterprises (SMEs) could not follow. This study, however, emphasizes how important digital marketing is to helping SMEs in Greece become more visible and profitable. The study involves a survey with 45 participants from Greece on personal questions about e-commerce to provide insight and solutions for SMEs to become more profitable. The findings show that age significantly impacts e-commerce participation, with younger consumers being more likely to purchase online due to the convenience and efficiency of targeted digital ads. Moreover, the findings from the survey indicate that people with higher earnings have a more significant tendency to spend more money online and are also more likely to purchase online. It is essential to discuss the limitations found in the research and survey used. The most significant is the sample size and demographic reach, which could strongly influence the applicability of the results. Future research should include utilizing ongoing studies and expanding the demographic reach better to capture the changing patterns in digital consumer behavior. This paper offers a thorough analysis of the relationship between digital marketing and consumer behavior in Greece, which helps SMEs aiming to take advantage of the growing digital marketplace with their strategic planning.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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