"Diversity Committee GF" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


Open Access

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This collection includes a letter to Deans Brewer, Gaskins and Friedlander regarding the Graduate Faculty Minority Student Issues Committee (3/7/94), a memo from the Minority Student Issues Committee regarding "Proposed Changes to Policy on Discriminatory Harassment" (3/7/94), a letter from Michelle Travis to Anwar Shaikh complaining about the lack of a class and gender program (2/17/94), a program brochure on class and gender at New School, a faculty list for the econ department, a memo from David Plotke to Friedlander regarding the prospective appointment of Michael Hanchard (12/15/97), a memo from Friedlander regarding "Position on Race" (3/25/97), a document titled "Diversity at the GF," a memo from 'Faculty of Color' regarding the Dean's memo (3/22/97), handwritten notes about Rhonda Williams, articles from the GF student newsletter (11/7/90), a memo regarding "Dean Judith Friedlander's February 12 Memo and the Resolutions of the GF Executive Faculty on Harassment" (2/25/97), a document titled "Response From Concerned Faculty to the Current Crisis," a letter to Dean Friedlander regarding the appointments of Williams and Mason (2/14/94), "1993—94 GF Minority Student Issues committee Members," "GF Minority Student Issues Committee: Agenda" (2/17/94), and the document "New Student Population Fall 1993" by the Office of Student Affairs.

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Economics Commons
