"Crisis Book DSA-DSOC" by Anwar Shaikh PhD


Open Access


This collection includes typed notes from a presentation by Frank Ackerman at the Boston NAM (New American Movement) summer school in June 1976, article "There's way to end recession" by Calvin Zon in UAW (United Auto Workers) Washington Report (1980), "The agenda seems the least of Democratic Agenda's worries" by Gina Lobaco in In These Times (4/28/82), "1980 and beyond: the democratic socialist organizing committee and the left" by Michael Harrington in Socialist Review (1979), "Liberalism, socialism and the crisis of capitalism" by Harrington in Newsletter of the Democratic Left V.2 N.8 (10/1974), chapters from the book "Socialism" by Harrington (1970), chapters from "Twilight of Capitalism" by Harrington (1976), "Unmasking 'Prodscam'" by Harrington in Democratic Left (5/1980), "Can Democrats meet the challenge?" by Harrington in The Democratic Left V.2 N.10, chapters from "Decade of Decision" by Harrington (1980), "Energy Crisis Highlights Corporate Stranglehold" by Harrington in Democratic Left (11/1979), "Economy: Front Line in Class War" by Harrington in Democratic Left V.6 N.7 (11/1978), article "What's Wrong With The American Economy," pamphlet "New American Movement" by Barbara Ehrenreich and John Ehrenreich, "The Open Road: Socialist Strategy in the Corporate Liberal State" by New American Movement, a list of names and phone numbers for Econ 309S, a memo to Economics faculty and students regarding a presentation by Robert Guttmann, and a chapter from "The Transition from Capitalism to Socialism" by John D. Stephens (1979).

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