Date of Award


First Advisor

Anne O'Dwyer

Second Advisor

Jennifer Daniels

Third Advisor

Kellie Cournoyer


Failures in the traditional response to mental health crises in emergency services across the nation are responsible for a number of negative outcomes we see, and in the most extreme cases, lives can be lost. Identifying this failure has resulted in numerous proposed—and already implemented—new programs. I also propose a possible program, where all first responders, including dispatchers, receive training around how to identify and respond to mental health, along with other steps aimed at improving how we respond to mental health. Some notable changes in mental health response we often see include programs where mental health professionals are more involved in the process as first responders themselves, either responding solo without the presence of law enforcement, or in a joint, collaborative response. While there are challenges all these programs may face, tackling them and finding solutions help to ensure that future programs do not make the same mistakes. We may see benefits through implementing such programs, which may bring about improvements in the relationship between responders and communities, an increase in the utilization of community resources, and much more.

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