Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program

Chemistry and Biochemistry; Physics

Project Advisor 1

Matthew Greenberg

Project Advisor 2

Beate Liepert

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Lead halide perovskites are a promising light absorbing semiconductor material for next- generation solar cells. However, there are multiple issues with using these lead-based materials, including exposure during the manufacturing process, the risk of lead leaking from the panels and contaminating the area where they are placed, and the exposure risk during the decommissioning of panels. This project investigates lead-free perovskites which are energetically tuned to target significant wavelengths within the solar light spectrum. Three phases of CsxMnBry nanocrystals were explored in this work: a red emitting phase (CsMnBr3), a green emitting phase (Cs3MnBr5), and a blue emitting phase (Cs2MnBr4 · 2H2O) from a hot injection synthesis using Cs+ and Mn2+ oleates and TMSBr as the Br source. Additionally, a red emitting phase of CsMnCl3 was synthesized using TMSCl as the Cl source. Photophysical characterization of the colloidal nanocrystals including UV-Vis absorbance spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopy was conducted. X-ray scattering measurements were performed to confirm the local structure of the 1D perovskite materials. These results show that multiple phases of stable CsxMnXy (X = Br, Cl) nanocrystals can be synthesized under mild conditions, and that phase engineering can then facilitate band gap tuning across the visible spectrum of light.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

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