Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

John Esposito

Abstract/Artist's Statement

There is a harmony in the double meaning of the word sun, an essential need for it to begin a journey. There is sunrise, the start of the day and it's time to shine; it's the time for the day to speak on regular occurrences, emote through uncertainties, and brighten arbitrary sadness. There is a time for the sun to hide behind a cloud of disappointment in its dullness, or just be in a content state in the sky, but it has to start with the sunrise. On the other side, there is the rise of the Son; in this rise is the beginning of new life, the feeling of still peace, the intake of everlasting grace, unconditional love, and extended mercy. In this is a rebirth that can only occur with the rise of the Son. My project is called “Sunrise”, the beginning of my adventure, not just with myself but with music, music that has been given a new muse, a new dedication, and a new purpose. My sunrise is due to the rise of the Son. With Him I am able to understand my purpose in creativity, and with Him can I start fresh in what I commit to, what I choose to do, and how I express myself. I walked with God, allowing Him to show me how music is a form of language, an evocative form of articulation and a force that reaches beyond our physical being. The influence of each lyric, each instrument, each soundwave, tickled my spine and shook my spirit. It moved my fingers across keys and allowed the vocal cords of my body to express itself in ways that I am not used to.

My E.P. begins with a song that defines what music is, the language that God allows us to communicate with, as He elucidates the language of love that is universal to all. In this project, listeners move through various expressions of love on a spectrum of experiencing spiritual intimacy to living through the ropes of romance. I also wanted to emphasize the peace I feel within the Trinity, highlighted with the term Son and how He brightens my day. This project has allowed me to dedicate a piece of me to God, depicting how life is under His guise, how peaceful it is letting the Son shine on me, and how uplifted I am with the fervency of the Spirit within me and my music. It is a project filled with love, portraying the sunrise of my musical journey, through the rise of the Son.

Open Access Agreement

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