"Crisis Book CPUSA" by Anwar Shaikh PhD1982


Open Access


This collection includes the book Hall, G., & Communist Party of the United States of America. (1978). The crisis of everyday living and the winning fightback : the Communist Party’s view. New Outlook Publishers., Handwritten notes on the history of the Communist Party in the USA, and on the "Eco theory of the CP" (3/30/82), a typewritten document entitled "A review of CP and Soviet views on crisis from popular material" by Mark Glick, notes "CP USA" 3/24/83, "Comments: CP USA" (10/5/83), "THE THEORY OF CRISIS: THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA" by Mark Glick for Econ 309S (Spring 1983),a photocopy of the book Rochester, A. (1946). The nature of capitalism. International Publishers., the book " Burns, E., & Marx, K. (1957). What is Marxism? International Publishers., copies of pages from Eaton, J. (1966). Political economy : a Marxist textbook ([New rev. ed.]). International Publishers., Perlo, V. (1974). The unstable economy : booms and recessions in the United States since 1945 (2d ed). International Publishers., Afanasv, L. (1974). Political economy of capitalism . Progress Pub. "Introduction to the Question Of State Monopoly Capitalism" by Paul Boccals in Political Affairs (5/1965), and "The United States Today: An Overall View" by Herbert Aptheker in Political Affairs.
