Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Karen Sullivan

Project Advisor 2

Franco Baldasso

Abstract/Artist's Statement

In April of 2020, Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben took the Catholic Church to task for failing to live up to the standards of one her greatest saints, St. Francis of Assisi, in her response to the acceleration of the crisis of modernity. This project poses the figure of Blessed Carlo Acutis, beatified by Pope Francis in October of 2020, as a unique response from out of the Franciscan tradition of the Church to Agamben's concerns. Analyzing two important thirteenth century hagiographies of St. Francis alongside two of the most interesting hagiographies which have emerged in the twenty-first century of Blessed Carlo, I discover the renegotiation of key medieval Franciscan motifs in the context of postmodernity.

Open Access Agreement

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Creative Commons License

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