Date of Submission

Spring 2024

Academic Program

Written Arts; Historical Studies; Jewish Studies

Project Advisor 1

Cecile E. Kuznitz

Project Advisor 2

Benjamin Hale

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The unifying thesis of my SPROJ is the idea that by changing the context in which we view Jewish history, we get a better understanding of the history in question. My goal was to recontextualize Jewish history in two ways. The first way I sought to contextualize Jewish history was a more literal approach where I analyzed the real history within a different framework, this being the history of the Varshe ghetto focusing on the Great Depression and various forms of resistance rather than focusing just on Treblinka and the Uprising. This analysis of the history and the experience of Varshe Ghetto Internees becomes the archetype. The second way I sought to contextualize Jewish history was a less literal approach, where I took this Archetype and translated it into a more modern context as a way to help readers better empathize with the internees of the Varshe ghetto.

Open Access Agreement

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