The senior thesis is emblematic of the kind of intellectual freedom Bard College at Simon’s Rock’s Upper College students are given. It is a year-long, self-designed scholarly project that is the capstone of a student’s work. It’s required of everyone. The thesis is not just an academic requirement for a Simon’s Rock Bachelor of Arts degree, it is work that adds to the world’s storehouse of knowledge.
At the beginning of the thesis project, a formal proposal must be submitted and approved. This collection includes senior thesis proposals beginning in academic year 1998-1999 as well as theses beginning in 2011.
Senior Thesis Proposal, Carly Bryant
The Imitation Game: How Biomimicry can Revolutionize Scope and Sustainability within Medicine, Karan Buntval
Pricing and Valuation of Human Capital Securities and Related Derivatives, Dennis Chen
Live Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Networks, Robert Costales
Senior Thesis Proposal, Aiden Damon
The Faboideae Flora of Montserrat, Giulia de Gennaro
The Promises of Preexposure Prophylaxis: Barriers to HIV/AIDS Treatment and Prevention, Oluwayemisi Dehinbo
The Psychological and Biological Effects of Parental Neglect Under the Age of Three, Dylan Dion-Bernier
Senior Thesis Proposal, Carson Donnelly-Fine
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jahsol Drummond
You Won’t Believe it’s Not Mako: A Study of Shark Meat Substitutions in New England Markets, Madeline Eppley
Dear Diary: Living in Genre, Gracie Folds
The Adventures of Softboy Pillowman: Exploring Gender Norms and Transgender Messages in Children’s Literature, Felix Foote
On Suffix Array Construction Algorithms, Jonathan Gabor
Medical Image Analysis: from Reconstruction to Classification, Zehui Gao
Senior Thesis Proposal, Leila Gillings
Sink with an Ever-Expanding Drain: History of Pharmaceutical Treatments for HIV, Alexander Gouvin-Moffat
Questions on Beauty: Eugéne Delacroix, Delaney Graham
Follow the Sound: Tracking Forms of Commodification and Escapism in American Popular Music, Ethan Hall
The Real Plastic Economy: Toxic Colonialism, Carla Hamida
“When So Few Have So Much and So Many Have So Little”: Rising Inequality and The Dying American Dream, Yanggen Heppe
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ajara Jagne
On Simulating Phase Tracking Reference Signals in 5G, Nicholas Kasseinov
The Metaphysics of Pregnancy: Four-Dimensionalism and Fetal-Parthood, Nasia Kayfetz-Vuong
Unregistered HyperCam 2: A Brief History of Internet Gaming Metanarratives Through the Lens of “Let’s Play”, Quinn Kreminski
Automatic Impediment Detection and Correction for Speech Audio, Vivek Kumar
War of Ground Against Existence: Evil and Freedom from Kant to Schelling, Aung Sett Kyaw Min
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ali Levinson
Senior Thesis Proposal, Gary Liu
Predicting Disruptions in Confined Fusion Plasmas Using Deep Neural Networks, Zicheng Liu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ziyi Liu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Anna Loretan
Into the Dream Land: Fengshui and the Ideal Landscape in Wang Ximeng’s A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains, Jinglin Lu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Angus MacLeod
Of Woman Born: Figuring the Maternal in Shakespearean Tragedy and Romance, Coco Marcil
Redesigning Craigslist with Cloud Computing, Jorge Martinez Jr.
Fear, Felicity, and Trouble with a Capital T as in Thom, Matthew Meehan
A Simple, Low-Cost Proximity Sensor to Improve Mobility For Visually Impaired People, Fa'izah Muhammad
Senior Thesis Proposal, Chazlee Myers
Solitude: Or, Alternatively, Putting My Diary on Blast, Claire Niesobecki
Swap Monster: Creating and Developing an Original Puzzle Game Along With an Accompanying AI Solver, Zoe Offermann
Docile and Useful: Mechanisms of Control and Creation in the Workplace, Eliza Opland-Dobs
Detecting Symptoms of Depression in Social Media Data using Machine Learning, Eunkyu Park
Baseball Strike Zone Delineator Implemented with Digital Image Processing Techniques, Joon Mo Park
Teens in the Anthropocene: An Interdisciplinary Climate Crisis Curriculum, Jessie Parrott
The Epidemiology of Dementia: Biochemical & Social Approaches, Dakota Paul
Invisible Work and Hidden Effects: A Study of Emotional Labor, Ana Peake
Senior Thesis Proposal, Cole Peterson
Data Visualization Data Representation, Presentation, and Understandability, Sophie Petters
The Generalized Cayley-Dickson Construction, Axel Rimerman
The Psychological and Neurologic Reenactment of Incest Trauma Through Anorexia Nervosa, MacKenzie Rohrbacher
Senior Thesis Proposal, Eden Rozing
Raw Tales : An Anthropology of Postcolonial Writers in Exile, Caleb Sabatka
Humanizing Homelessness: The Experience, Society's Role, and Aid Offered, LillyEtta Sacon
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jonah Schaechter
Women’s Suffrage in Switzerland: An International Statistical Analysis of Political, Demographic, and Societal Factors in the Fight for the Right to Vote, Maxwell Shulman
At the Crossroads: An Exploration of Moldovan Identity, Daniela-Filipa Soltan
A Beginner’s Guide to Kaluza-Klein: The Basics of Spacetime, Curvature, and the Classical Unification of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields, Samantha Statter
Ceci n'est pas une food : Musings on TV Cooking Shows, Doph Steinmayer
Beyond Interiority: A Heideggerian Reading of Mrs. Dalloway, Peiqi Sui
Portfolio Management: A Machine Learning Perspective, Chih-Jui Tsen
A Meta-Analysis of Researches and Evidence of the Immunological and Neurological Causation of ASD, Myles Vinci
Senior Thesis Proposal, Aung Wai Yan Hein
Helping Others: Contemporary Topics, Zhen Wang
Numerical Tests for Parameters When Solving Multi-layer Shallow Water Equations, Sophia White
ABC (American Born Cantonese): Cantonese Language and Chinese Identity in Diaspora, Peter Xu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Hilary Yarger
Senior Thesis Proposal, Albert Yue
Senior Thesis Proposal, Yonghao Yu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Sophia Zah-Greenspan
Intergenerational Trauma: A Chinese Perspective, Chenyan Zhou
Senior Thesis Proposal, Chandler Zincke-Byer
Senior Thesis Proposal, Delaida Zuniga
The Doctor-Patient Relationship: The Past, The Present, The Future, Miles Abracosa
Grace In The Fractures: A Sculptural Analysis of Vulnerability as a Coping Mechanism For Fear, Eliana Actor-Engel
Positive Eco-Art Therapy: Picturing an Aesthetic Path to Personal and Planetary Health, Madison Alicea
Sto-Stone: Computation, Complexity, and Puzzle Design, Addison Allen
“An Image With A Lowing Sound”: Medieval Islam, Modernity, and Politics as Seeing, Safi Alsebai
Senior Thesis Proposal, Emmawyn Anastasi
Creating for Community: Extending Inspiration through Browser Application, Hyolim Bae
Senior Thesis Proposal, Akarsh Balaji
Language Use by People With Bipolar Disorder and Depression: Recent Research and Applications, Alexandra Barber
Urban Planning and Playing: Collaborative Learning Through Educational Board Games, Jacques Ben-Avie
Blood will have Blood: Trauma Dynamics in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Nathaniel Bokaer-Smith
Senior Thesis Proposal, Felix Bridel
Senior Thesis Proposal, Karan Buntval
Seeing Overtones: Communicating the Physics of Guitars, Jonathan Cadiz
CALL THEM OUT: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Analyzing Infrastructural and Economic Disparities Within the Tri-state Area, Mario Campbell
sayings, clouds: composition, production, performance, reflection, Emmett Clarendon
To Bring into Being: On A Life Lived by Ghosts, Allison Colwell
Senior Thesis Proposal, Robert Costales
And All That Jazz: The Tropes of Sounds and Symbols in Harlem Renaissance Jazz Literature, Olivia Davis
Senior Thesis Proposal, Elizabeth de la Rosa
Raising Our Voices: Women, Trauma, and Recovery in India, Divya Dinraj
Senior Thesis Proposal, Abigail Donnelly
My Nudes 2k18: femininity and obscenity, Hayley Edgar