The senior thesis is emblematic of the kind of intellectual freedom Bard College at Simon’s Rock’s Upper College students are given. It is a year-long, self-designed scholarly project that is the capstone of a student’s work. It’s required of everyone. The thesis is not just an academic requirement for a Simon’s Rock Bachelor of Arts degree, it is work that adds to the world’s storehouse of knowledge.
At the beginning of the thesis project, a formal proposal must be submitted and approved. This collection includes senior thesis proposals beginning in academic year 1998-1999 as well as theses beginning in 2011.
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ana Garcia-Kwan
Orthodox Church Forests: An Essential Component of the Ethiopian Landscape, Scheherazade Goertzel
Senior Thesis Proposal, Antonia Greenberg
Senior Thesis Proposal, Aster Greenblatt
Senior Thesis Proposal, Benjamin Grubner
On the automaticity of the outer automorphism groups of right-angled Coxeter groups, Cameron Haas
Senior Thesis Proposal, Alexandra Harabosky
Senior Thesis Proposal, Cleo Hardt
Senior Thesis Proposal, Miranda Herreid
Senior Thesis Proposal, Georgiana Janko
Senior Thesis Proposal, Tingao Jiang
Senior Thesis Proposal, Benjamin Kaza
Senior Thesis Proposal, Joey Kim
Senior Thesis Proposal, Molley Knight
PipeLine: Asynchronous Programming Made Easy A C-like Event-Driven Programming Language, Boqiao Lai
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ezra Lee
Senior Thesis Proposal, Erika Leigh
Senior Thesis Proposal, Junyu Liu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Zara London-Southern
Testing and Comparative Spectral Analysis of Electric Guitar String Materials, Ross MacFadyen
Music of the Quantum Real: A Paradoxical Narrative Within and Without Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony, Theodore Macphail
Senior Thesis Proposal, Nathaniel Madison
Senior Thesis Proposal, Adishri Saisha Manan
Otherwhere: Latinx Narratives of Otherspace, Asa Martinez
Overcoming Adversity: Understanding Resiliency through Dance, Sophie McGhee
“False Printed”: Textual Corruption and Authorial Construction in the Works of Katherine Philips and Margaret Cavendish, Kalie McGuirl
Senior Thesis Proposal, Julia Mendez
Senior Thesis Proposal, Angel Mendez Rivera
Senior Thesis Proposal, Wynona Meyer
Aus Ton und Feuer: an Exploration of and Dialogue with the German Expressionist Movement, Dana Miller
Senior Thesis Proposal, Stone Mims
Educational Opportunities for Children from Impoverished Communities in Myanmar, Nay Chie Moe Thet
Love Letter to Pinterest: On Abjection, Illness, and the Feminine Labor in Care, Kayleigh Myer
Senior Thesis Proposal, Kai Naor
A Study on Ultrasonic Levitation and Particle Stability, Naol Negassa
(Over)Medicalization of Pregnancy and Childbirth in the United States: Consequences, Repercussions, and a “New Age” Revolt, Lael Ngangmeni
Prime-Generating Polynomials: Quadratics over norm-Euclidean Domains, Daniel Packer
Senior Thesis Proposal, Roop Pal
Senior Thesis Proposal, Adam Paykin
A Heart Knows When It’s Come Home: a musical about long-distance relationships, Danielle Pendleton
Outliving the Matrix: Online Community and the [Re]Making of a Gendered Identity, Micaela Pereira
Senior Thesis Proposal, Sophie Petters
Senior Thesis Proposal, Andrew Phennicie
The Science Teacher and the Theater: The Patty Dooley Experience, Georges Pichard
Senior Thesis Proposal, Tereza Pitman
Senior Thesis Proposal, Coco Raymond
Senior Thesis Proposal, Hadassah Riemer
Senior Thesis Proposal, Conor Rowan
Senior Thesis Proposal, Daryn Rust
Senior Thesis Proposal, Cassiel Sabin
Senior Thesis Proposal, Joshua Salama
Senior Thesis Proposal, Sam Scott
Senior Thesis Proposal, Bruna Shabazz
Senior Thesis Proposal, Maxx Shabazz
Senior Thesis Proposal, Rachel Shi
Senior Thesis Proposal, Heidi Singe
I broke up with Edison (I’ve had enough), Matthew Stabile
Turning Pebbles to Clay: A Cinematic Reconstruction of Integrity, Elle Stanion
Senior Thesis Proposal, Corinne Stanley
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ben Steiz
Loving Animal and Eating Their Flesh: Psychological Perspectives on Veganism and Eating Meat, Mira Tesla
The Curious World of Paracosms, Danya Tracht
Senior Thesis Proposal, Allana Tyson
Senior Thesis Proposal, Hannah Walker
Metabolic Reprogramming to Enhance the Efficacy of mTOR Inhibition in Colorectal Cancer, Madison Weber
Process Notes: A Coming of Age, Claire Wegh
Senior Thesis Proposal, Avi Wershba
Xiao Qu: Life behind Walls, Yi Xie
Senior Thesis Proposal, Chengcheng Xin
Senior Thesis Proposal, Shirley Xu
The Onset of Oscillations in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction and the Brain: Chemical Modeling of Epileptic Seizures, Maisha Zahed
Optimum Design of Dual Purpose Power Generation and Desalination Plants, Xinyan Zhang
Unseen Histories: A Visual Study of Political Presence and Aesthetic Interpretation, Sara Aboobakar
Senior Thesis Proposal, Miles Abracosa
Senior Thesis Proposal, Nathan Alan-Lee
Tiny Weatherman: Examining Behavioral Changes in Pogonomyrmex occidentalis in Response to Seasonal Changes, Tony Alexander
Senior Thesis Proposal, Alec Allain
Senior Thesis Proposal, Russell Allen
Senior Thesis Proposal, Zyaid Banihani
Senior Thesis Proposal, Rebecca Bhik-Ghanie
Joining the Heroides: An Introspective Look into What It Means to Be an Artist When Life Happens, Told in Three Parts and Two Plays, Kaelyn Brandt
Artificial Intelligence Classical Music Composer, Chi Cao
Two-Dimensional Messiah: The Cartoon Aesthetics of Totalizing Capital and Fragmented Selfhood, Virginia Cassel
Senior Thesis Proposal, Sierra Cast
Musical and Visual Representations of Gray Codes, Michael Chang
Senior Thesis Proposal, Dennis Chen
Prayer Beads and Red Scarf: Projecting Shangrilazation in Modern Tibet, Yueming Chen
Senior Thesis Proposal, Mo Constantine
[Re] Encountering the Painted Look: Poetics of the Portrait, Rebecca Cosenza
Senior Thesis Proposal, Mikaela Dalessio
Categorizing Experience: Locke, Berkeley, and Wittgenstein on the Problem of Generalization, Elibba Dean
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jaimee de Witt Bedford
Senior Thesis Proposal, Haley Dionne
Miracle on 84th Street, House Dow
An Agricultural and Climate Analysis of Kern County (CA, USA) and Fujian Province (China): Past, Present, and Future, Hannah Ferus
Aquaponics: An Exploration into the Future of Agriculture, Greig Fields
Sex Work, Drugs, and Decriminalization: Toward a Politics of Harm Reduction, Avonlea Fisher