"The Curious World of Paracosms" by Danya Tracht


Danya Tracht

Date of Award


First Advisor

Anne O'Dwyer

Second Advisor

Aimee Michel


The aim of this thesis was to explore the detailed imaginary worlds known as paracosms, through the lens of both psychology and theater. In the review of the psychological literature, I examined and synthesized existing research and theories about paracosms. To explore the relationship between paracosms and theater, I adapted and directed a theatrical production of a play, called curiouser/CURIOUSER. The play incorporated "world-building" and paracosms in the themes of its script; I explored these themes in the rehearsal process as well. Implications include the necessity for future research on paracosms, particularly as they occur in adolescents and adults. I also hope that this analysis may encourage others to explore the ways that paracosms and theater interact: how experiences in the realm of theater may provide a lens into paracosms, and how paracosms play out in the world of theatrical productions.

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