The senior thesis is emblematic of the kind of intellectual freedom Bard College at Simon’s Rock’s Upper College students are given. It is a year-long, self-designed scholarly project that is the capstone of a student’s work. It’s required of everyone. The thesis is not just an academic requirement for a Simon’s Rock Bachelor of Arts degree, it is work that adds to the world’s storehouse of knowledge.
At the beginning of the thesis project, a formal proposal must be submitted and approved. This collection includes senior thesis proposals beginning in academic year 1998-1999 as well as theses beginning in 2011.
Simulation of Schrodinger's equation on Quantum Computers, YuXuan Liu
Multi-Factor Stock Selection and Trading System, Zeqi Liu
Podracer: High Performance and Scalable Deep Reinforcement Learning, Zechu Li
Mitigating Bias in Artificial Intelligence through an Anthropological Lens: Introducing Humanity to A.I., Cassidy LoCascio
On the Universe Where You’re Reading This on the Moon, DeVaune Mack
Sentiment Analysis of the effect of Covid protection measures through Tweets, Yecheng Ma
Writer, Reader, Author, Critic: Literature in Theory and Practice, Lilly Myers
Taking Care of Gut Feelings: Neuro-Microbial Psychology, Nickie Nie
Portrayals of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Contemporary Middle Grade Fiction, Moxie Rudder
Adversarial Images in Autonomous Vehicle Systems, Armann Singh Sandhu
Alternative Performance Metrics for Financial Machine Learning Models, Ajeya Sathyagal
Misogyny in Twenty-Four Frames Per Second: An Analysis of Gender Disparity On & Off-Screen, Beck Selberg
The Weight of an Opinion: A Critical Analysis of the Michigan State Supreme Court Selection Model, Kelly Ann Sheehy
The Good-Enough Therapist: A Letter To and From a Future Therapist, Livia Shepard
deSTIgma: A digital STI/STD test recommendation platform, Vivian Shi
We’re All Gonna Die!!! An Environmental Perspective on Body Disposition in the United States, Lillian Steinmayer
The Impact of Online Social Sentiment and Search Volume on Stock Market, Xinghang Sun
Never Fall in Love at The Jersey Shore: Locating the Real in Reality TV, Maisy Swords
U.S. Healthcare Reform: An Ideal System, Emily Van Court
Wind Distribution Analysis and Prediction for a Risk-Aware Renewable Energy Market, Joyee Wang
Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations in Complex Geometry, Yipeng Wang
Keep Your Friends Close and Your Microbes Closer, Jenalyn Weekes
Heat Equation, Ethan Xu
Engineering a Difference: The Hows and Whys of the Difference Engine, Lior Yaron
Against Aphasia: Conversation through the Omegle Addict, a Protest, and a Model United Nations Conference, Charlie Yates
The Problem of Beach Litter: Psychological Analysis & Development of a Clean-Up Prototype, Quingchen Zhang
Senior Thesis Proposal, Samarth Agnihotri
Digging up Althusser: on Ideology and Institutions, April Albano
Therapy & Theater: Emotions in Dis-Play, Jesus Alcazar
Birth, Death or Both: Encountering Childbirth as a Black Woman, Nyankah Allen
Senior Thesis Proposal, Khalilah Asaka
Desde el Cerro se le ve Todo al Pueblo: Mapping decolonial aesthesis in Oaxaca, Mexico, Inoa Batista
Nanoparticles as a Means of Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery, Kairo Baylor
Senior Thesis Proposal, Marcea Bond
Historical Dispatch: Ongoing Reflections on the Musicality of Fugitivity, Carly Bryant
Senior Thesis Proposal, Sophie Casa
Senior Thesis Proposal, Matilda Eunseo Choi
Senior Thesis Proposal, Tate Coleman
Senior Thesis Proposal, Bethan Cordone
Senior Thesis Proposal, Sadie Cotler
Sage Wisdom: Herbal Abortion Through the Ages, Aiden Damon
Senior Thesis Proposal, Kevin Donaher
lovethat, Carson Donnelly-Fine
2200, Jahsol Drummond
Racialized Policing and Its Effects on Black Communities, Leila Gillings
Senior Thesis Proposal, Neehar Girimaji
Senior Thesis Proposal, Emma Guo
Senior Thesis Proposal, Abdul Hamza
Senior Thesis Proposal, Hannah Hasson
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jeri Hautzig
Senior Thesis Proposal, Summer Heller
Senior Thesis Proposal, Yichao Hou
Stories Untold, Ajara Jagne
Senior Thesis Proposal, Elise Kelly
Senior Thesis Proposal, Chandler LaValle
Show Up and Show Your Work: On Self and Compassion in the Classroom, Ali Levinson
Quantifying the Effects of COVID-19 on Restaurant Reviews, Gary Liu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Gary Liu
Detecting Foodborne Illness Complaints in Multiple Languages Using English Annotations Only, Ziyi Liu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Cassidy LoCascio
Up In Smoke: A Short Film, Anna Loretan
The Creative Nothing, Angus MacLeod
The Art of Language: Exploring the Methodologies of Language Acquisition and How We Can Encourage Students to Learn, Chazlee Myers
Senior Thesis Proposal, Nickie Nie
Marsh Ado About Nothing: The Political Economy of Connecticut’s Salt Marshes, 1600-1700, Cole Peterson
Senior Thesis Proposal, Walter Phillips
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ellie Rostan
Bambi in the Backyard: Deer Management in Southern Berkshire County, Eden Rozing
Senior Thesis Proposal, Moxie Rudder
Senior Thesis Proposal, Armaan Sandhu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ajeya Sathyagal
The Navajo Nation Elephant Trunk: A Vehicular Water Transportation System, Jonah Schaechter
Senior Thesis Proposal, Kelly Sheehy
Senior Thesis Proposal, Livia Shepard
Senior Thesis Proposal, Lillian Steinmayer
Senior Thesis Proposal, Maisy Swords
Senior Thesis Proposal, Evan Sylbert
Senior Thesis Proposal, Pailyn Tayjasanant
Senior Thesis Proposal, Emily Van Court
Evolution and “Natural” Selection of Green Sheets, Aung Wai Yan Hein
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jenalyn Jayy Weekes
Emptiness: The Interpretation of Ma, Mu, and Enso in Japanese Aesthetics, Hilary Yarger
A Deep History of Human-Fish Relations in the Connecticut River Valley, Albert Yue
Senior Thesis Proposal, Yonghao Yu
Smoothness of Alexandrov space with two-sided curvature bound, Yonghao Yu
Here is Home, Sophia Zah-Greenspan
Images and Their Movement Through Time: American Media and the Blatant Anti-Blackness Portrayed Within It, Chandler Zincke-Byer
if i can get to There ... then i'II be okay, Delaida Zuniga
Senior Thesis Proposal, April Albano
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jesus Alcazar
Senior Thesis Proposal, Nyankah Allen
‘ Paradise of Paradises ’: Yemeni Poetics of Return and the Springtime Promise, Moamer Alsaedi
Fun with Fermentation: A scientific cookbook, Emmawyn Anastasi
Customizable Social Networks and Mental Health among Emerging Adults, Akarsh Balaji
Senior Thesis Proposal, Inoa Batista
Senior Thesis Proposal, Kairo Baylor
The Makers Experience: Craft in Society, Community, and for the Individual, Antonia Bellamy-Talbot
Witch Against the Peace: Colonial Sovereignty and the Scripting of the Profane, Felix Bridel