The senior thesis is emblematic of the kind of intellectual freedom Bard College at Simon’s Rock’s Upper College students are given. It is a year-long, self-designed scholarly project that is the capstone of a student’s work. It’s required of everyone. The thesis is not just an academic requirement for a Simon’s Rock Bachelor of Arts degree, it is work that adds to the world’s storehouse of knowledge.
At the beginning of the thesis project, a formal proposal must be submitted and approved. This collection includes senior thesis proposals beginning in academic year 1998-1999 as well as theses beginning in 2011.
Senior Thesis Proposal, Madeline Eppley
From Guangzhou to Great Barrington: A Textural Narrative, Danli Feng
Art, Finances and Manipulation: How Auction Houses Enhance Painting Sales Today, Fiona Ferguson
Senior Thesis Proposal, Gracie Folds
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jonathan Gabor
Alternative Therapies for Traumatized Children: Developmental and Clinical Perspectives, Ana Garcia-Kwan
Senior Thesis Proposal, Alexander Gouvin-Moffat
Senior Thesis Proposal, Delaney Graham
Stuck: An Examination of the Portrayals of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Literature, Television, and Film, Antonia Greenberg
Emet: A Video Game of Yiddish Conversation Practice, Aster Greenblatt
The Dandy and the Decadent: Kitsch, Camp, and Capitalism, Benjamin Grubner
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ethan Hall
Senior Thesis Proposal, Carla Hamida
Arches of Piety: Reflections of the Holy See and Italy, Alexandra Harabosky
Interactive Relationship Between Canon and Fandom Via Cosplay and Fanfiction, Cleo Hardt
Senior Thesis Proposal, Yanggen Heppe
Perfect Places? The Power and Potential of Landscape and Nature Photography, Miranda Herreid
Sports Medicine, Georgiana Janko
A Study of Hausdorff Distance Computation, Tingao Jiang
State Minds: Dreams of Abundance, Scarcity, and Collapse, Benjamin Kaza
AI Research in Games: The Role of StarCraft 2, Joey Kim
Forgotten Shards, a Reflection on the Past, Present, and Future of Chinese Porcelain, Molley Knight
Layers of Dust: Political Moments of Work, Land, and Agriculture, Ezra Lee
Impressionist Style and Manga Painting: An Investigation, Junyu Liu
Aquarium Dreams and Other Stories, Zara London-Southern
This Is in No Sense Consolatory: Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, and Traumatic Narratives of the First World War, Victoria Loughborough
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jinglin Lu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Estella Lumer
1968 and the Crisis of European Memory: Nation, Internationalism, Visual Culture, Nathaniel Madison
Genda Phool: An Evaluation of Community-Based Trauma Interventions, Saisha Manan
Senior Thesis Proposal, Coco Marcil
An Adventure in Organic Synthesis: Searching for 3 ,3-Dinoradmantylmethane, William Mason
Senior Thesis Proposal, Matthew Meehan
Barnes: It’s Not a Metaphor, Julia Mendez
Cosmology and Quantum Physics: A Design for a Meta-analysis, Angel Mendez Rivera
Reading Like an Analyst: Creativity and the Unstable Mind, Wynona Meyer
Literature Evolving: How Multicultural Movements Created a New Genre of Literature, Stone Mims
Senior Thesis Proposal, Fa'izah Muhammad
The 'Border'-line Paradox: Unearthing the Repressed of the Freudian Paradigm, Kai Naor
Senior Thesis Proposal, Claire Niesobecki
Senior Thesis Proposal, Zoe Offerman
Senior Thesis Proposal, Eliza Opland-Dobs
Annotating Buildings in the NYC Skyline using Computer Vision, Roop Pal
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jessie Parrott
As We Recall: Workings of Memory, Truth, and Time, Adam Paykin
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ana Peake
Landscape Genetics of the Lesser Antillean Whistling Frog, Eleutherodactylus johnstonei, on Montserrat, Andrew Phennicie
Taste and Tradition: An Exploration into Ethnic Cuisine and How Food Protects and Shares a Wide Variety of Cultural Heritages, Tereza Pitman
Bound Away: Tourism, Culture, and Rethinking the Archive on Cape Cod, Coco Raymond
Strong Bodies: Exploring Strength Through Movement, Hadassah Riemer
Space: The Role of Dimensionality in Physics, Conor Rowan
Glass Legion: An Exploration of the Interconnections of Game Design, Caitlin Rust
Online, Offline, and Hate Crime: Indoctrination and recruitment in the information age, Cassiel Sabin
A Thesis That Will Blow Your Mind… Or Maybe Just Cause Some Mild Inflammation: Understanding the Hidden Role of Neuroinflammation, Joshua Salama
STRANGE CARNALITIES: Affective and Amazonian Perspectives on Consumption and Embodiment, Sam Scott
The Efficacy of Acupuncture for Pain Management and Its Implementation in American Healthcare, Bruna Shabazz
An Interrogation of Sex and Gender: What Does It Mean To Be a Man?, Maxx Shabazz
Senior Thesis Proposal, Maxwell Shulman
Playing Our Parts - or Not: My Process Producing and Performing as Woman in Not Medea, Heidi Singe
Demon Summoning for Beginners: Integrating an Animated Character into a Live Theatre Performance, Corinne Stanley
Senior Thesis Proposal, Samantha Statter
The Metanarrative: A Story about Writing Stories, Ben Steiz
Senior Thesis Proposal, Kara Tai
The Oscillation of the Sterile Neutrino, Lindsey Tensen
Senior Thesis Proposal, Chih-Jui Tsen
Metamorphosis: The College Graduate’s Guide to Starting a Dance Company, Allana Tyson
Crisis in the Streets: An Exploration of Siegfried Kracauer’s Urban Miniatures in Translation, Hannah Walker
Senior Thesis Proposal, Thomas Wang
Killer Zombie Ghosts in the House of the Devil: Healing Trauma Through Horror Film, Avi Wershba
Senior Thesis Proposal, Zeda Wolf
Periodic and Color Variability of Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidate, Chengcheng Xin
The Corrosion of Metals Using Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans Bacterial Cells, Shirley Xu
Polish Nationalism from the Margins: The Case of the Gorale Culture and the Modern Polish Identity, Nathan Alan-Lee
Senior Thesis Proposal, Madison Alicea
Senior Thesis Proposal, Addison Allen
Roots of Neofascism in the United States: Exploring Historical Narratives and Emergent Developments, Russell Allen
Senior Thesis Proposal, Safi Alsebai
Senior Thesis Proposal, Hyolim Bae
Developing Decision Making: Implications for Educational Choices in Adolescence, Zyaid Banihani
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jacques Ben-Avie
Pranayama Yoga: Measuring Brainwaves via EEG, Rebecca Bhik-Ghanie
Senior Thesis Proposal, Nathaniel Bokaer-Smith
Love(d): A Story of Non-Physical Intimacy, Alexis Brisley
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jonathan Cadiz
Senior Thesis Proposal, Mario Campbell
The Microverse of the Sea: An Analysis of Toxin Producing Phytoplankton, Sierra Cast
Senior Thesis Proposal, Emmett Clarendon
Senior Thesis Proposal, Allison Colwell
Food as a Social Justice Issue: The Food Justice Movement in the United States, Mo Constantine
Finding A Way To Tell Her Story: Women's Testimony of the Guatemalan Civil War, Mikaela Dalessio
Senior Thesis Proposal, Olivia Davis
Remind me to Look Back: an Analysis of Dostoevsky's Ideology of Societal Culpability and its Relevance Today, Jaimee de Witt Bedford
Senior Thesis Proposal, Divya Dinraj
“Pull Yourself Together Josef”: Avenues of Understanding The Trial by Franz Kafka, Haley Dionne
Senior Thesis Proposal, Hayley Edgar
Senior Thesis Proposal, Danli Feng
Senior Thesis Proposal, Fiona Ferguson