"Forgotten Shards, a Reflection on the Past, Present, and Future of Chi" by Molley Knight


Molley Knight

Date of Award


First Advisor

Ben Krupka

Second Advisor

Chris Coggins


The city of Jingdezhen is unlike any other place in the world. The processes artisans use in China are dramatically different from those used by ceramic artists in the West. Jingdezhen potters have been making imperial porcelain for over one thousand years. This city has been dependent on the economy of this form of ceramics throughout its history. The history of this ceramic city has arguably changed China’s, and World history. In this writing I explore influences the city and its peoples have had on the development of ceramic art, and world history as a whole. Later in the work the role of the individual artist, and environmental impacts of industrial production are considered. I then write about modern influencers and promoters of the city like Ai Weiwei. Lastly I include conversations conducted in the fall presenting individual contemplations regarding the past, present, and future of Chinese Porcelain.

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