"Educational Opportunities for Children from Impoverished Communities i" by Nay Chie Moe Thet

Date of Award


First Advisor

Francisca Oyogoa

Second Advisor

Ba Win


In a country with around thirty seven percent of the population living below the poverty line1, these families have no choice but to prioritize survival before education. This thesis focuses on the particular population in Myanmar that struggles to even attend the free, public schools in their surroundings. These families face numerous barriers to accessing education, which, in some cases, restricts them from ever even coming in contact to an educational opportunity, let alone maintain a steady attendance every day. In Summer 2017, I undertook this project examining five different educational opportunities for children from impoverished communities: Mary Chapman School for the Deaf, myMe Mobile Education Project, Sanda Rama Monastic School, SONNE International Organisation, and Yangon Education Centre for the Blind. This work is about what I encountered during my visits and from staying in contact throughout the year of finishing this process. I discuss the barriers to education these communities face and the ways these programs have modified traditional education to adapt to the realistic socio-economic conditions of their student population.

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