Date of Award



This thesis is a project working with an essay originally published in 1854 by artist Eugène Delacroix. I worked to translate this text, where Delacroix talks through his thoughts on aesthetics and the concept of “beauty” as it relates to art throughout history and within his own lifetime. Within this translation many references are made by Delacroix to other artists and works, and I realized that without a background knowledge on these citations the translation could not hold much value for most readers. Thus I wanted to create a platform where one could see this translation in addition to context and imagery that would aid in understanding the text itself and Delacroix as an artist, by getting an idea of his inspirations and concept of beauty. This led to the creation of a website where the text and accompanying commentary can all be housed together. With the site the reader is able to see the translated article “Questions on Beauty” with internal links providing biographical information as well as quotes from Delacroix’s diaries on each subject. Creating the site I added some accompanying text to each internal link which gave the reader insight to the context through which Delacroix saw the other artist. With this site I hope the audience can use it as a type of ‘lesson’ on both the specific text “Questions on Beauty” and Delacroix in general, finding the necessary context to to understand the artist and the concepts he discusses in his article.

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