The senior thesis is emblematic of the kind of intellectual freedom Bard College at Simon’s Rock’s Upper College students are given. It is a year-long, self-designed scholarly project that is the capstone of a student’s work. It’s required of everyone. The thesis is not just an academic requirement for a Simon’s Rock Bachelor of Arts degree, it is work that adds to the world’s storehouse of knowledge.
At the beginning of the thesis project, a formal proposal must be submitted and approved. This collection includes senior thesis proposals beginning in academic year 1998-1999 as well as theses beginning in 2011.
Senior Thesis Proposal, Lucy Peterson
Senior Thesis Proposal, Taylor Polster
Senior Thesis Proposal, Dante Popple
Senior Thesis Proposal, Joelle Portelinha
Senior Thesis Proposal, Philip Psomopoulos
Contesting the "Diagnosis" of Fatness: An Analysis of Weight Discrimination in Contemporary America, Sierra Randall
I, Violence: Mapping the Mediated Subject, Craig Rathgeber
Senior Thesis Proposal, Zoe Rhinehart
Senior Thesis Proposal, Virginia Robinson
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Medea? Ancient Greek Theatre in 21st Century America, Amanda Rowe-Van Allen
Senior Thesis Proposal, Emma Sanger-Johnson
The Right Side of History? The Realist School of International Relations, Hillary Saviello
Senior Thesis Proposal, Daniel Sawyer
Globalizing Grassroots Networks for Sustainable Development: A Political Ecology of the Glocal, Lauren Scanlon
Senior Thesis Proposal, Andrea Schuchardt
Cultural Encounters: Comparing Three Translations of Heinrich von Kleist's "Das Erdbeben in Chili", Emily Schwab
Senior Thesis Proposal, Johanna Schwartz
Senior Thesis Proposal, Patricia Sendao
Senior Thesis Proposal, Linsen Settembrini
Arguedas' Los rios profundos: Land and Indigenous Identity in Peru, Ramiz Shaikh
An Exploration of the Inner Life through Portrait, Katherine Smith
Senior Thesis Proposal, Luke Stroehlein
LACE: Written Document, Slide Show, and Sculpture Set, Gabrielle Tillman
Will it Blend? An Experimental Exploration into Sponge Cell Reaggregation Behavior, Sarah Trachtenberg
Senior Thesis Proposal, Tara Turnbull
The Politics of Prison Privatization: Navigating the Public and Private Spheres, Ian Wallach
The Children's Society: Measuring the Successes of the Unconventional Child Rearing and Education System of the Classis Kibbutz, Hillary Weinberger
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jared Weiss
point blank, or silence as practice, Julynn Wilderson
Senior Thesis Proposal, Kiyomi Wilks
Black Words, White Pages: Challenging American Socialization Through Creative, Critical, and Introspective Writing, Alexis Wint
Senior Thesis Proposal, Samantha Yarmis
Senior Thesis Proposal, Spencer Zeitel
Senior Thesis Proposal, Molly Ziegler
Senior Thesis Proposal, Mohammed Adawulai
Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation: An Analysis of Functional Outcome, Katie Ansel
Senior Thesis Proposal, Emily Baker
Senior Thesis Proposal, Sheeba Bali
Senior Thesis Proposal, Cameron Barrows
Senior Thesis Proposal, Aaron Basch
Power and Public Image in the Cultural Representations of Augustus in Ancient Rome, Claudia Berger
Senior Thesis Proposal, Joseph Berger
Senior Thesis Proposal, Zak Breckenridge
How Much Does it Cost to Buy a Duck?: An Exploration of the Sudbury School Movement, Paige Breisacher
Spiritual Landscapes and Modernization in 21st Century Nepal, Perri Brierley-Bowers
Senior Thesis Proposal, Isaac Brosilow
A Citizen: An Examination of Reflections on American Citizenship, Alannah Buford
Senior Thesis Proposal, Georgia Byler
Political Perspectives of the Flaneuse: Reflections on the DSK Scandal, Katherine Campbell
The Witness and the Cyborg: Adventures in Virtuality, Intimacy, and Politics, Starling Carter
Senior Thesis Proposal, Zerabruk Cavallaro
The Importance of Looking Earnest: Performing Identity Through Clothing, Holly Chayes
Examination of Tumor Suppressor cep-1/p53 in Caenorhabditis elegans through RNAi Mechanism and Stress Induction, Cheryl Chen
Oh My Lady Gaga! It's the Grass Mud Horse: An Examination of Chinese Internet Language, Joelle Chevrier
Recent Influences of the West onf Bhutan: Women, Tourism, and Infrastructures, Tshering Choki
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jasmine Cunningham
Opportunity or Opportunism? Contract Modification in Federal Procurement, Lauren Dahlin
Senior Thesis Proposal, Edan Dalsheim-Kahane
Senior Thesis Proposal, Rebecca Dawson
Mushrooms: An Evaluation of Fungi Indigenous to Berkshire County, William Deng
The Blameworthiness of Implicit Bias: A New Theory, Noel Dominguez
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jonathan Durfee
The Revolution will Not be Televised, It Will be Live-Streamed, Maeve Dwyer
Investigating the Role of Interleukin 8 Citrullination in Breast Cancer Progression, Emma Ehrlich
Waterfall Crawl: The Use of Challenge to Facilitate Personal Growth in Outdoor Adventure Education, Max Ehrman-Shapiro
Wanderland: An Experiential History of Yellowstone National Park, Elisabeth Ellis
Science Rules: An Examination of the Practice and Purpose of Science Writing, Rachel Feltman
Senior Thesis Proposal, Laura Fisher
Murder Motifs: Reading Politics and History in Genet's The Maids, Ari Fogelson
How to Tell a Story, or Something Like It, Jordan Frye
Senior Thesis Proposal, Elissa Furlong
Senior Thesis Proposal, Nathaniel Gage
Senior Thesis Proposal, Arantzazu Galdos
Senior Thesis Proposal, Marne Garretson
"You Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Odd": Christian Concerns in the Works of Emily Dickinson and Flannery O'Connor, Kathryn Giles
Theatre Contra Theatre: Essays and Plays Toward the Revival of Politics, Elizabeth Glass
A NEAT Training Algorithm for Artificial Neural Networks, Eitan Goldshtrom
Clothing and Power in Late Nineteenth Century Spanish and French Literature and Art, Febianna Gonzalez
The Record Was Always Broken: Rethinking Queerness, Knowledge, and Academia, Michelle Gonzalez
Senior Thesis Proposal, Molly Greene
Literary Revisions: Analysis and Art, Jillian Hanley
Agent-Based Financial Modeling with Stock-Flow-Consistent Microfoundations, Will Hayworth
The Importance of Brownfield Remediation for the Environment, Economy and Community Illustrated by the New England Log Homes Site, in Great Barrington, MA, Nicholas B. Hernandez
Senior Thesis Proposal, Mallory Hogan
Senior Thesis Proposal, Taylor Horn
Creature Comforts, Teegan Jansen
Self Perception of Aging And How It Informs Later Life, Mariah Jeremiah
Senior Thesis Proposal, Taylor Kang
Senior Thesis Proposal, Leander Kobolakis
The Dreamed-For Place: An Artistic Exploration of Aboriginal Australian Songlines and Life Trajectories, Johanna Koons
Senior Thesis Proposal, Savannah Lamb
Home and the World: A Critique of Unschooling's Ideology, Jeffrey Landale
Do You Hear the Bodies? An Exploration of Dance, Fiona Lazar
Fabricating Illness: Reflections on Hypochondria, Jake Levy
Senior Thesis Proposal, Elijah MacCullagh
"What a vision of lonliness and riot...": Byronic Relationships and the Female Self, Lizzie Meier
Senior Thesis Proposal, Miriam Melnick
Machinations in C++ Major: An Automated Algorithmic Approach to Cooperative Musical Improvisation, William Meltsner
Senior Thesis Proposal, Thomas Meyer