"Political Perspectives of the Flaneuse: Reflections on the DSK Scandal" by Katherine Campbell

Date of Award


First Advisor

Maryann Tebben

Second Advisor

Asma Abbas

Third Advisor

Marina Van Zuylen


The aim of this thesis is to exemplify a method for approaching politics, rooted in the notion that intellectual work must be grounded in the physical. I’ll be discussing the way that we encounter a story on its own terms and can use this experience to reconfigure a system of knowledge that places our narrative within the given discourse, as opposed to excluding it. To contextualize this, I will be using the Dominique Strauss Kahn affair instrumentally, as an occasion to revisit the questions that were left unanswered in my first reading of it. Through research about the consumer, personality, fashion and photography, I will attempt to unravel my experience as a student in Paris to come to themes of vision and revision, the feminine, and the political. In order to be a co-actor within this story and the History it reveals, I’ve printed a series of photographs that I took in Paris as a visual map of the places where the politics of this story were making themselves known to me.

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