Michael Dewitt '65 (BardCorps)
Interviewee Role
Class Year
Other Program
Painting Major
Helene Tieger, '85
Dewitt remembers wanting to attend Bard ever since his older cousin was accepted; forming a close relationship with his senior project adviser John Curoi; working with him in the midst of his alcoholism; staying friends with Curoi until his death in a motor accident; blanketing the walls of the Procter Arts Center with his work; the white bushy beard stained with cigar fumes of Louis Schanker; protest demonstrations on Reamer Kline's porch to allow girls to enter male dorms; the Sandwich Concession for late night snacking; and heading down the road to Adolf's. Of his senior year at Bard he says: "It was the most productive year of my life. I literally worked from 8 in the morning to 6 at night painting, everyday, interrupted once in a while with classes."
John Curoi; Louis Schanker; South Hall; Tony Hecht; Fred Crane; Reamer Kline; Seymour; Common Course; Procter Arts Center
Stevenson Library
Interview Date
Interview Duration
Recommended Citation
Dewitt '65, Michael, "Michael Dewitt '65 (BardCorps)" (2020). BardCorps -- All Oral Histories. 68.
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Significant Quote
"I don't want to say I've never met a Bardian I didn't like but it's kind of close to that."