Lisa DeTora, '89 (BardCorps)
Interviewee Role
Class Year
Academic Program
Marna MacGregor '14
Lisa DeTora, '89, talks about some of her favorite professors, such as Mario Bick, Terence Dewsnap, Hugo Munsterberg, Mary McCarthy, and shares some memories from specific classes. She recalls students driving Mary McCarthy to the grocery store, and having class on couches in the Tobin Poetry Room. She remembers working for the Bard Observer, walking through the woods clutching books, writing under the pen-name "the Girl with Pink Glasses," and unexpectedly winning the Lockwood prize. She also recalls life in various dormitories at Bard, and describes strange run-ins with other students.
Terence Dewsnap, Elizabeth Standler, Charles Dickens, Mario Bick, australopithecus, Hugo Munsterberg, Nancy Leonard, Bill Mullen, Tobin Poetry room, Keats, Mark Lambert, Lockwood Prize, Bard Observer, Seymour, the Babbling Brooke, the waterfall, the Ravine Houses, Stone Row, Manor Annex, Gahagan, David Gracer '88, Bard Observer, University of Rochester
BardCorps Trailer, Main Campus
Interview Date
Recommended Citation
DeTora, Lisa, "Lisa DeTora, '89 (BardCorps)" (2015). BardCorps -- All Oral Histories. 33.
Significant Quote
"I used to wear really short fluffy pink things, which was totally not Bard at the time, and I had pink glasses. And I used to giggle all the time."