"Dynamics of Chain Molecules" by Walter H. Stockmayer



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(Abstract taken from the Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series Program 1988-1989).

The recording of lecture not available.

Dr. Stockmayer is the Albert W. Smith Professor Emeritus at Dartmouth College, a position he has held since 1979. In 1935, Dr. Stockrnayer graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After two years at Oxford University, he returned to M.1.T. and earned his Ph.D. degree in 1940. His thesis, directed by James A. Beattie, was on the equation of state of gas mixtures. Dr. Stockrnayer became an Instructor in Chemistry at M.I.T. in 1939. Except for a two-year stint at Columbia University, he taught at M.I.T. until he moved to Dartmouth in 1961. In addition to his position as Albert W. Smith Professor Emeritus, he is also a part-time teacher and researcher and an associate editor of Macromolecules. Dr. Stockrnayer also contributes articles on physics and macromolecular chemistry to scientific journals. Dr. Stockrnayer's honors include election to the Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1946 and membership in the National Academy of Sciences in 1956. He has received the ACS Award in Polymer Chemistry, the Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry, the Theodore William Richards Medal (Northeastern Section, ACS), the APS High Polymer Physics Prize, and the National Medal of Science (1987). Dr. Stockrnayer is an honorary fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, and has honorary degrees from Strasbourg and from Dartmouth College.

His Work: Dr. Stockmayer has worked on a variety of theoretical problems in the dynamics and statistical mechanics of macromolecules, including light scattering, chain transformations, and chain dynamics. He has also supervised useful experimental work in these areas, making extensive use of dielectric relaxation techniques.

(This information was taken from the Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series Program 1988-1989).

Recording of lecture not available.


Physical Chemistry

Creation Date

October 15, 1988

Dynamics of Chain Molecules
