"The Theater of Intimacy: A Manifesto and Journal of Discovery" by Bethany Geiger

Date of Award


First Advisor

Aimee Michel

Second Advisor

Bernard Rodgers


This written component of my senior thesis represents the academic aspect of a very interactive process: staging an original play. In the pages which you are about to read, I will describe the process of writing, producing, and directing an original play called DUSK. I consider that live production, which took place in November of 2013, as the focal point around which my thesis is centered. The following pages contain a firsthand academic account of my experiences as a playwright and burgeoning director. Moreover, in my pre-production and post-production research, I was able to develop a new style of theater called the Theater of Intimacy. The thesis process has allowed me to establish this technique and write a manifesto for this original theatrical style. The Theater of Intimacy encapsulates the philosophy behind DUSK: its political and theatrical goals, its intentions in connecting with the live audience, and how the Theater of Intimacy can be used as a technique for just about any theater piece.


Ask at the Alumni Library circulation desk for the companion piece that accompanies this thesis.

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