Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Elena Kim

Abstract/Artist's Statement

A person’s racial identity can inform their choices in life as well as their perceptions. Existing literature typically investigates how racial identity is involved in the development of one’s overall self-growth throughout their childhood and adolescence and how it influences their adulthood. The aim of this present study was to see if racial identity is associated with the feelings college students hold towards math, specifically math anxiety, as well as achievement motivation. The study also explored the relationship between math anxiety and achievement motivation. The sample was made up of college students in their first year, ages 18-19 (N = 18, M= 18.5, SD = .6) from Bard College located in Annandale-on-Hudson, NY. Participants responded to three questionnaires: the cross ethnic-racial identity scale-adult, abbreviated math anxiety scale, and the revised achievement motivation scale. The findings illustrated that racial identity did not influence the relationship between math anxiety and achievement motivation. In addition, the findings also showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between math anxiety and racial identity, racial identity and achievement motivation, and math anxiety and achievement motivation. Descriptive statistics illuminated variations of beliefs of racial identity, math anxiety, and achievement motivation based on race.

Open Access Agreement

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