Date of Submission

Spring 2023

Academic Program

Classical Studies; Interdisciplinary Study of Religions

Project Advisor 1

Daniel Mendelsohn

Project Advisor 2

Bruce Chilton

Abstract/Artist's Statement

In this project, I explore the symbolic web that connects eating, sleeping, reproduction, and mortality—a nexus of associations that runs through the Epic of Gilgamesh, Homer, Genesis, and the writings of John and Paul. First, I aim to demonstrate that these texts use a shared symbolic language of bread and sleep, eating and sleeping, in their discussions of mortality and to reveal the texts’ implicit definitions of mortality and godhood. Second, I aim to demonstrate the tension between the Mesopotamian and Greek texts’ conclusions that man cannot achieve immortality and the notion presented in the biblical texts, particularly the New Testament, that immortality, and even godhood, could be open to man.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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